I had a chiddush this morning on the concept of one day at a time which maybe is obvious to you all.
The mephorshim explain that teshuva should mimic the form of the aveira. For example, if you ran to to averios then run to do mitzvos, if you sinned with your money do mitzvos with your money, etc.
Well, I'm sure many of you are familiar with the phenomenom where we're looking or reading something we know we shouldn't and we tell ourselves okay just one more picture, video or story and then i'll stop. After the second, third, fourth, etc. we keep on telling ourselves the same thing. "Just One More." Eventually, maybe fifty or hundred later we do stop.
Maybe we should try to use that same thinking in recovery as well. You know it's hard to recover so will just stay clean for "Just One More" day (or if really hard hour) and then we'll stop, and just keeping on telling yourself the same thing after the second, third, fourth. If we keep it up long enough, G-d will have to help us and we won't stop even at fifty or hundred.