.....Rav Elazar ben Durdaya put it - it all has to start with "me"
Thank you Dov, for that introduction!
Dear 1daat:
You should know, that there is probably not one chiddush that you can tell your new friends here at GYE.
What you may have done, what you were thinking of doing, what you are wanting to do, and all of your fears, and uncertainties. We know them all. You are not really being over powered with an array of surpirise attacks, from the outside, from the inside, from the left side, nor the right side. To make it as simple as possible, you are experiencing only 1 condition. It is called Lust addiction, with a capital "L". And, the #1 cause is your tests, and trials, your unahappines with your lot in life, which leads to........."L".
There is so much for your to learn here. The first thing is to allow yourself the freedom to "open up", and not to hide anything.
First and foremost, please do yourself the biggest favor. Avoid all fears, and worries. These are the number #1 killers which can only lead to more lust seeking. Even though you may feel "afraid", that.... if "I am not afraid, I won't be on guard,", or, "If I don't emerse myself into worry, I may do something irresponsible...." All of this type of thought is rubbish,and it is the mental talk of the big y"h. He knows that this will only keep you where you are. He wants to continue to eat yourself up alive.
PLease remember, Hashem is here with you, he really is, and he wants you to grow. By easing up a bit, trusting in Hashem....these are the first steps.