morshax wrote on 25 May 2010 14:05:
I'd appreciate your feedback if any of you have felt these feelings and what it was that helped you through and keep on truckin strong.
Wow. sounds like you're doing great. (altho I'm always surprised to see folks victorious for long stretches and having a first post. For me, the posting process is incredibly therapeutic.)
So you asked for eitzas. I don't know you; I can only speak from my own viewpoint.
1. Posting is a helpful adjunct (see above).
2. Recognizing that just BEING here and DOING this work puts us at the top of the heap of frum Jewry, which is to say the top of the world. This is not only a big thing in its own right, but it also means the Y'H is furiously trying to mess us up because our victory would mean such defeat for 'him.' Hashem gave him a strong arsenal, but He also gave US some amazing hidden strength to win. IF WE WEREN'T GIBBORIM, WE WOULDN'T BE HERE. AND THE Y'H WOULDN'T BE PULLING OUT ALL THE BIG GUNS. So, I'd suggest taking a minute or two, 3-4 times per day, to celebrate your big role in helping Hashem heal this broken world.
3. Remembering [if this kind of argument speaks to your particular flavor of frumkeit], that there IS a deadline for getting this work done. Moshiach could be here any minute, and with him is the retirement of the Y'H. After that, there's no more mitzva opportunity for avoiding a 'lav,' because NO ONE will be tempted to sin. Basically, our scoreboard in the 'negative commandment' area is frozen. Where do you want your score to be frozen? And when do you think he's coming?