Dear Oneday,
I have posted about this before. But now you said it yourself.
If you are serious about what you wrote and wasn't just varfing melitzos, then I know that there is hope:
oneday wrote on 29 Apr 2011 22:47:
Why do I have to do this... I don't want to do it anymore. This addiction is draining me, how do I stop?????
If you really believe that you
have to do this, then there is always the 12 steps waiting for you. If you still believe that you can fight and beat it if you would only try hard enough, then that is always waiting for you. And you may have the willpower, seichel, kedusha, call it what you like.
I am not saying you are addicted and are in fact powerless. I could not ever decide that for you or anybody. But if you determine that you have lost and that you are a chronic loser to lust and do not have what it takes to win, then I have a derech for you that you can climb.
But as far as I can yell, it only works for those who know they are beaten and are not just waiting for the day that they "finally have the power" on their own. If you are truly ready to accept that G-d does for you what you cannot do for yourself (no matter what you think the sforim or your rov or anybody else says you
should think), then I believe it can work.
If you keep talking of "Phew! Made it through today!", yet never really giving up the fight to Hashem and agreeing never to
intentionally pick the contest up again, it will be just more bubkess and more nonsense like whining for kedusha.