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It starts with one
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Scientific studies show that it takes 90 days to break an addictive pattern in the mind. Start your own Log of your journey to 90 days! Post here to update us on your status and to give each other chizuk to stay strong!

TOPIC: It starts with one 14662 Views

Re: No Looking back 18 May 2010 00:16 #65949

  • oneday
  • Current streak: 4 days
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Thanks for everyone's support and b'ezras hashem I will come out of this 'experience' closer and more connected to Hashem!
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Re: No Looking back 01 Jun 2010 21:59 #68210

  • oneday
  • Current streak: 4 days
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Per Chazakamenu  I'm going to revive my thread!
Heres an update.
It's not looking good right now but I'm not quitting, missing the chizuk e-mails!
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Re: No Looking back 06 Jun 2010 21:58 #69137

  • Chazak Amenu
  • Current streak: 378 days
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How are things going oneday?
i hope everything is going well!
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Re: No Looking back 06 Jun 2010 22:59 #69153

  • oneday
  • Current streak: 4 days
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Chazak Amenu wrote on 06 Jun 2010 21:58:

How are things going oneday?
i hope everything is going well!

It's nice that the chizuk e-mails came to my inbox today! Finals start in a couple of days, so I should be pretty busy.
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Re: No Looking back 06 Jun 2010 23:02 #69154

  • oneday
  • Current streak: 4 days
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I have a couple of friends that I found out are being attacked by the yetzer hara. How would I go about by telling my friends about this website, one of them wants to change, but I am afraid he doesn't really have a path or such to follow. They don't know that the yetzer hara got me.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance!
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Re: No Looking back 06 Jun 2010 23:04 #69155

  • Ineedhelp!!
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You could just sign them up for the emails without telling them. Or you could bring it up nonchalantly (???)

"Hey I heard about this website called GYE. For people with shmiras einayim problems. I think its great that theres something out there for those people."
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Re: No Looking back 06 Jun 2010 23:24 #69157

  • briut
  • Current streak: 3 days
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Yiddle2 wrote on 06 Jun 2010 23:04:
"Hey I heard about this website called GYE. For people with shmiras einayim problems. I think its great that theres something out there for those people."

yep, and even add:  "and I was pretty curious about it, since I know what a common issue it is and I didn't know if the yeshivische world had its head in the sand about it. I went there. There was an awful lot there. I was surprised. And a little impressed. You know, all that "kosher phones only" hard line. But here are Jews really tackling this stuff head-on and putting out a website. Isn't the frum world amazing sometimes?  You should really take a look, just to see what these folks have done!!"
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Re: No Looking back 08 Jun 2010 01:11 #69376

Hi Oneday,

How are you doing at the moment?

My first thought is: don't let the guilt get you. That's the beginning of the slippery road.

When you see how many kosher yidden, have, R"L, stumbled into this, it gives you an idea of the toikef of this yetzer hora. I feel like the use of the tools booklet, and the attitudes booklet will be very helpful, but you are very fortunate not to have let it develop into an addiction yet.

I hope you'll find the 90 days easy and that you'll end up having been mostly unaffected by it into adult life.

God Willing, you'll be a beautiful husband and father, at the right time. (I seem to remember the attitude handbook mentioning that even some of the Gedolim had made reference to the sins of their youth). 

I guess my point it, you are at a cross roads, between healthy progression, and destructive guilt and depression. I hope that by finding GYE you'll be inspired and empowered, and you won't have to go through the awful experience of fighting this while feeling totally alone.

I wish you all the luck in the world. You inspire me (-:


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Re: No Looking back 09 Jun 2010 00:30 #69596

  • oneday
  • Current streak: 4 days
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Well today I had a siyum for finishing maseches taanis! I did have a fall but quickly spoke to Chazak Amenu and I'm feeling pretty good despite falling! People on this site are awesome and please continue helping klal yisroel!
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Re: No Looking back 09 Jun 2010 05:12 #69629

  • 1daat
  • Current streak: 126 days
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Hi Oneday,

I could be your zedeh.  That you are here is such an inspiration.  How seriously you take ahavas and yiras.  You have understood what you have been learning in very deep and personal ways.  Already you are on the derech out .  You will succeed.  Keep on.  Guard and many of the other guys who have been at this a long time will give you sage advice and support and love. 
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Re: No Looking back 10 Jun 2010 03:30 #69796

  • oneday
  • Current streak: 4 days
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1daat wrote on 09 Jun 2010 05:12:

Hi Oneday,

I could be your zedeh.  That you are here is such an inspiration.  How seriously you take ahavas and yiras.  You have understood what you have been learning in very deep and personal ways.  Already you are on the derech out .  You will succeed.  Keep on.  Guard and many of the other guys who have been at this a long time will give you sage advice and support and love.

The community at gye isn't comparable to any other site out there. All the guys (and gals) here are awesome and have one common goal in mind, to help whoever needs help and to get them back on the path of being free from this and to serve Hashem on a whole new level. Everybody keep rolling and b'ezras Hashem this sin would die out and Mashiach will come bimheirah byameinu!
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Re: No Looking back 10 Jun 2010 04:04 #69802

  • Maccabee
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Karma: 0
Mamash! Amein!!!!
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Re: It starts with one 17 Jun 2010 03:24 #71108

  • oneday
  • Current streak: 4 days
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  • Karma: 0
Now I'm off of school and I'm going to have a lot of time on my hands, I'm sure the y''h is happy. Also, tomorrow b'ezras hashem will be the 1st day in my streak and will start breaking this during the hardest season, summer! 
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Re: It starts with one 17 Jun 2010 20:18 #71219

  • oneday
  • Current streak: 4 days
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  • Karma: 0
Just took my password to my filter and dropped it in the toilet! I no-longer have to worry about getting the password and viewing any-more non-sense! I was fine as the password was locked up and my keys were at school. School ended a couple of days ago and I fell. As Chazak Amenu recommended a week ago (should've listened then). It is no longer in my hands and b'ezras hashem I'll get back on my way to 90 tommorow! 
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Re: It starts with one 20 Jun 2010 14:29 #71454

  • oneday
  • Current streak: 4 days
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  • Karma: 0
So today I fell. It was day 2, but what can you do. My y''h got the better of me and it sent me to my email to find the password that I sent away for safe keeping. I found it in the trash. Thank God that I deleted it forever and will never have to worry about that again b'ezras Hashem. So I felt pretty good about it, and then he struck again 10 minutes later! I went on to my phone (droid, has no protection) and ya.
Though I fell, it had been 44 hours since I last fell which is definitely an improvement! Although that is pretty bad, you have to start somewhere!
My focus for the rest of the day is to not fall again and leaves this early morning fall isolated and continue to enjoy the world Hashem has given me in a good way and not in a bad way! 
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