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TOPIC: Bruce's Battle 29149 Views

Re: Bruce's Battle 19 Jun 2009 15:32 #6738

  • Efshar Letaken
  • Current streak: 194 days
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your play on words are out of this world & always make me lol

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Re: Bruce's Battle 20 Jun 2009 21:34 #6792

  • the.guard
  • Current streak: 697 days
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  • Karma: 137
Hi Brucy,

I updated your chart to 7 days - as of June 20. Mazal tov on reaching Level 2!!  ;D
Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
Last Edit: by Goingforit.

Re: Bruce's Battle 21 Jun 2009 14:49 #6846

Friday was 6.
Shabbos was 7. But I had to stay in again...
Today will hopefully be 8.
Last Edit: by .

Re: Bruce's Battle 21 Jun 2009 15:00 #6847

  • battleworn
We're all with you in this, KEEP GOING!!!
Last Edit: by 2348145.

Re: Bruce's Battle 22 Jun 2009 15:37 #6962

Last Edit: by Abraham.

Re: Bruce's Battle 22 Jun 2009 16:07 #6966

  • the.guard
  • Current streak: 697 days
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I never knew the number "8" could be so inspirational! But coming from Bruce, it is!
Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
Last Edit: by kedushafocused.

Re: Bruce's Battle 22 Jun 2009 16:39 #6970

  • London
Hey Bruce

Keep up the clean day's.  Just to tell you I miss your comments and wit 

Last Edit: by sholem777.

Re: Bruce's Battle 23 Jun 2009 16:17 #7056

9, but it was close.
Last Edit: by shtiging.

Re: Bruce's Battle 23 Jun 2009 17:27 #7068

  • ChaimChaim
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  • Posts: 126
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Dear Reb Bruce
I call you Reb because of your desire to do Tshuva - makes you Chasuv, and worthy of respect. Even if this comes from pain - You have turned in the right direction (See R. Elazar ben Durdia)

Even if today was close - it is LIGHT YEARS away from purposely looking for P***.

I am pulling for you - and will go now to daven Maariv, and pray for your Hatzlacha!
I care for you

Last Edit: by beezrashashem.

Re: Bruce's Battle 23 Jun 2009 17:42 #7073

  • bardichev
close and closer to Hashem
Last Edit: by Shomer HaTikva.

Re: Bruce's Battle 23 Jun 2009 17:52 #7077

  • the.guard
  • Current streak: 697 days
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The times when it was CLOSE is when we grow the MOST!

See principle #22 of the Attitude Handbooks.

Hey, that rhymes.

How about this? We could call it the GYE Rap.

When a gust
of rust
and dust
hits us,
and makes us feel we JUST -
or BUST!

---da da da--boom boom--

It’s really all a test
we’re here on a quest
So just do your best
and G-d will do the rest!

---da da da--boom boom--yeh!

The times when it was CLOSE
is when we grow the MOST
So when you're feeling Toast
(it's a whole lot better than becoming ROAST)

Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
Last Edit: 23 Jun 2009 18:04 by yesodhayesodos.

Re: Bruce's Battle 23 Jun 2009 18:06 #7083

  • battleworn
That's really cool!
Last Edit: by pstm.

Re: Bruce's Battle 24 Jun 2009 14:29 #7229

Last Edit: by Koshereyes613.

Re: Bruce's Battle 24 Jun 2009 16:27 #7250

  • ChaimChaim
  • Expert Boarder
  • Posts: 126
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10 is a holy number, like a minyan.
You've reached number 1 again, and gained unity of vision.

These are Torah thoughts, but very important is:
How do you feel?

I have continued to Doven for your Hatzlocho

Last Edit: by tyy.

Re: Bruce's Battle 24 Jun 2009 21:34 #7321

  • the.guard
  • Current streak: 697 days
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  • Posts: 6438
  • Karma: 137
Bruce, I didn't like the way that "10" sounded. Is it really THAT bad? Don't get all emotional on us.

Just kidding around... Hey, can't you take a joke?

Mr. Hellbent sounds like he's truly biting the bullet. What determination, what fortitude!! Now take the bullet out of your mouth and tell us how you FEEL 'ol Brucy boy!
Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
Last Edit: by אפשר לתקן.
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