Yedid nafshi thanks for that beautiful touching "share"!!
One of the fundmetal underpinning of the GUE attitude is, that a tzadik is not someone who doesent ever fall, rather a tzadik is the guy who keeps on bouncing back and fighting despite the fall.
I also had such a miracle as u described. I was clean for along time - over a year- when I started down the slippery slope of clickin n surfin with abandon w/o a filter (if you know what I mean
) when out of nowhere darn glasses broke (I can't see w/o them). To me it was an open sign from Hashem saying "slow down buddy, your heading for a crash". Did it It stop me? Heck NO!! that very night I went to the store and bought new ones!!! and it was a short while later and I was....u guessed it .... Clickin n surfin my good jewish neshoma in the oceans of cess ;((
Keep me strong my good friend. We are all rooting for u.
With eternal love