Regarding the timely topic of atzvus/depression and the three weeks:
My grandmother used to quote the Germans ym"s as saying "der mut farloiren is ain alles farloiren" meaning when a person looses his "mood" he looses all, he looses everything!!
Tchilas nfila nisa....
From my enemies tactics I gain strategies and cunning.........
The germans main focus was to destroy the "mut"!
The YH main focus is to rob us and destroy our "mood" our joy de vivre!! our Simchas Hachaim!!
Ironically the seforim hakdoshim write (Nesivos Shalom etc) that the YH end goal is not the aveirah per se, rather his main goal is the "down" feeling, the "hangover" that comes afterwards.
This is where and what the YH wages all out war.........
"the battle of the MOOD", cause as quoted "der mut farloiren is ein alles farloiren"!!!!
Ich red tzi zich;)
Love and hugs