Heiligher members of this forum,
Hello, I am new to this forum. I broke my streak of 26 days two weeks ago and I am in the midst of a new 15 day streak on my way to 90 days iy"H.
It's amazing how sometimes the taiva of viewing improper things can be tucked away, not surface at all and be a non-issue and then boom, at other times it can be relentless and not let a person sleep without demanding its fill.
You know things are getting tough when you are in a public library and you have the brazeness to quickly search google images (yimach shimo v'zichro) for some improper images. Well that's what I just did about one minute ago so I decided to quickly jump into this forum and give a shout out for some chizuk for myself and to give chizuk to others as well.
Always remember to stay strong and enjoy the nice weather if you are in New York and have been through a cold winter. Let's bring on the cheirus of Pesach feeling great both outward and within!