Dear Jack - it was nice to read someone else is also working on something for a very long time. It gives me a lot of chizzuk, so thanks!
Dear noorah B and hoping - you may be at the point that the fourth step (etc...) was made for! 1-2-3 helps me get free; then I discover I really am just a bit screwed up. That's OK, though, because just like Hashem helped us get out of the mud, he will help us reach for the stars! (BTW, the work of 4 etc. only works for me when done on paper.)
Dear Hoping - How long have you been working on the third step? A week, OK...a month or more :
? Here is a suggestion to take or leave: The third step, more than any other, never stops at all. It just starts("made a descision", see "12&12"). Often repeatedly. We rarely grow to "finally" become deeply honest, total, and unforgetting servants of Hashem! It is something we
start, then we move on (and start working steps 4+) and grow in it for the rest of our lives.
Hope it was helpful.