The 'filter' news is the best thing I've heard you report in a long time. Gutsy, risky, scary, yet at the same time powerful and positive and G-d-fearing. Shkoiach.
As to reading 'inappropriate' things, I'll share one recent personal account. I was at a (non-Jewish) graduation ceremony. It was warm weather, young graduates, mostly younger friends and audience members, etc. In other words, girls with dresses SO short you had to figure they were saving up to get the rest of the skirt out of layaway. Necklines, well, no necklines! And I found myself really distracted.
In the past, I don't think this would have bothered me. Now, it's driving me crazy. (Yes, guys, I do mean women driving me crazy. 'Nuff said.) Instead of getting all down on myself, I realized that this GYE work is indeed making my eyes MORE sensitive to erotic overtones, not less so. It's not that I'm more creepy, it's that I've become more pure/edel/whatever.
So now I feel I have to be MORE concerned about "merely" inappropriate circumstances that aren't overt p**nography. And in more settings than before.
But funny thing is, I think this is a GOOD sign.
If there's any chance this might be happening to you, you might want to think about "upgrading" your reading material. As you upgrade your thought patterns, the old G-rated movies and books because PG in your eyes; PG into PG-13, etc.
Just a thought. Again, congrats on the filter conversation with your dad!!