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Chazak Amenu's climb
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TOPIC: Chazak Amenu's climb 14201 Views

Re: Chazak Amenu's climb 15 Jun 2010 23:03 #70890

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Okay, then go for it! You ultimately know what is best! You must be going out of your mind right now. If I were you I would take a short jog, play a video game, or take a shower, just do something distracting (and get off the site). You made up your mind and I'm sure that it will work out fine but for the next little while just distract yourself.
Last Edit: 15 Jun 2010 23:05 by .

Re: Chazak Amenu's climb 15 Jun 2010 23:21 #70897

  • briut
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installed wrote on 15 Jun 2010 23:03:
just do something distracting (and get off the site). You made up your mind and I'm sure that it will work out fine....

I especially liked the "get off the site" advice. Now's the time for deep cleansing breaths and beautiful music. Not for listening to a buncha "guys with issues" talk about their wives. (Yes, I'm including myself in that number.) Go! It'll be fine!
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Re: Chazak Amenu's climb 15 Jun 2010 23:39 #70902

  • Chazak Amenu
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OK GUYS! I AM GOING TO DO IT! i am going to print it out and give it to her to read and i am going to tell her to not read it till i am outside and that when she is finished she should meet me. Please just reply to let me know you guys are here!
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Re: Chazak Amenu's climb 15 Jun 2010 23:42 #70903

  • Chazak Amenu
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this is the note i am going to give her...

Mommy, You said i could tell you anything. This is very hard and difficult for me to do but because of recent events i feel i should tell you what is going on with me. You know how i have been depressed and moody recently? Well even though i have told you it is nothing... that was not the truth. You know that i fell behind a lot in math this year and that i don't practice drumming accept a few days before my lesson even though i like to drum and how I don't read as much of the History books as I myself would like. The reason is because I am a chronic procrastinator. I have tried much harder to stop the procrastinating since I found out it is more than just a little bit of pushing things off.  When i do fall behind I get very anxious and depressed. You also know i am lonely because I don't have friends. This also gets me down. What I am about to say is very hard to say and is probably even harder to hear. I deal with my procrastination and my pressure, stress, loneliness and all of my other stuff by trying and find comfort in this through "inappropriate images, videos, and stories" which lead to other things. AND I HATE MYSELF for it!In order to deal with this I joined a website for religious and non religious Jews alike who have the same problem in varying degrees of difficulty who are all trying to stop and serve Hashem better, I am also in touch with a few members from the site on my email. I love you Mommmy!"
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Re: Chazak Amenu's climb 15 Jun 2010 23:47 #70904

  • briut
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Re: Chazak Amenu's climb 15 Jun 2010 23:48 #70905

  • Ineedhelp!!
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Daven before you do it buddy. Daven hard.
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Re: Chazak Amenu's climb 15 Jun 2010 23:49 #70906

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Sounds PERFECT! Print it out , put it aside and do something distracting. As mentioned above, listening to music is also a good idea. We're holding our breaths. 
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Re: Chazak Amenu's climb 15 Jun 2010 23:50 #70907

  • Chazak Amenu
  • Current streak: 378 days
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I am about to go! daven for me!
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Re: Chazak Amenu's climb 15 Jun 2010 23:56 #70908

  • Chazak Amenu
  • Current streak: 378 days
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my mom is on the phone
which is great for me
because i could give her the letter and get outside
accept that
my sister is sitting next to her!
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Re: Chazak Amenu's climb 16 Jun 2010 00:17 #70911

  • briut
  • Current streak: 3 days
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min ha'meitzar yarati y-a
anani va'merchav y-a.

I called to Hashem from my straits,
He answered me with liberation.

You go, guy! Daven, talk, daven. Repeat.
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Re: Chazak Amenu's climb 16 Jun 2010 00:59 #70915

  • Dov
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Nu? Whats tootsach?
"Off the 18-wheeler and fine on this tricycle!", "I do not particularly care exactly which "lav" suicide is. I'm not interested in it for other reasons...and you are probably the same."
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Re: Chazak Amenu's climb 16 Jun 2010 02:22 #70923

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CA, hope it went well. I'm sure you feel a real sense of relief now that it's behind you!

Well done, you really have guts.

Good night.
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Re: Chazak Amenu's climb 16 Jun 2010 02:46 #70925

  • Chazak Amenu
  • Current streak: 378 days
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I did it, my mom and I had a long talk and then my father joined us. I am not going to say what we talked about but it really helped, my dad is going to cut off my internet connection and so i won't be on, we have also decided that even though GYE might be helpful sometimes it is not helping me specifically so i won't be on very much anymore if at all. Thank you everyone!
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Re: Chazak Amenu's climb 16 Jun 2010 03:05 #70926

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That is great news. There is no better support than direct support from your parents! I'm really happy that it went well and that they were understanding. Much success with everything you do! I'm sure we'll hear great things from you.

There is a tip I used to overcome procrastination that may be helpful for you. Log your daily activities and have a friend (or parent) monitor it. It will do you wonders. Seeing your daily activities on paper will make you feel more accountable.

BTW, I read your entire thread, wow, you are really an amazing guy. You and your parents have a lot to be proud of. You will be ahead of the game once you overcome your "problems."

Good night. 
Last Edit: 16 Jun 2010 04:47 by .

Re: Chazak Amenu's climb 16 Jun 2010 03:51 #70930

  • oneday
  • Current streak: 4 days
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My friend, it seems that it all went well! Sadly, we won't be able to talk as much, but as long as this helps you I'm all for it. May you have continued success in all your endeavors!
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