Wow. Well, I've realized I do have an addiction. But not the one some folks might see as obvious. Rather, an addiction to posting on other people's threads!
And what's it related to? This concept of feeling "special."
Special (i.e., more deserving) in my entitlement to read and learn from the insights of the other members.
Special (i.e., chutzpadik) in feeling my posts on other folks' threads offer them any special comfort, chizuk, insight.
Special (i.e., powerful) in tackling my lust issues, by seeing my challenges to be so special (i.e. powerful).
Special (i.e., egocentric) in telling myself the posts are solely to help the OP and not to see my own thoughts in print.
And yes, even special (i.e., wise) in thinking that what I say has any special value (ouch; indeed, double ouch!).
I think I've got to look closely at the concept of "special" as mere ego. And to do that, I think I've GOT to stop posting and even reading so often. Maybe a journal log on the WOH once daily, just to keep my thoughts flowing. Certainly fine to read and respond to PMs since they serve an individual and not the cyber-klal. But I think compulsive posting might be linked somehow to compulsive egotism. Ouch.
(And even as I write this, I think part of me hopes for a post that my efforts are indeed useful. Which might do nothing but fuel my ego. Arggh. More work to do.) The work: banish: special, unique, wise, extraordinary, etc and replace with ordinary, regular, plain, normal, baynonee. Without losing my (genuine) self-esteem.
Day 66. (Is this 'normal' for Day 66? Hmmnn.)