Maybe I'm wrong, and I don't mean this to be patronizing, but I think I remember that before your last fall, you were white knuckling and getting tons of chizuk and I'm not sure I've got this right, but would it be fair to say that nothing, at the end of the day helped?
If that's right, then I think what I posted a few posts ago about "nothing helps me" could apply.
I think everybody here's tried everything there is to think of to no avail. It seems that for us junkies, Hashem is all there is that, at the end of the day, does help/solve our compulsion.
But that's where bitachon comes in. Because we have to trust Him at the deepest place in the lev where we feel the deepest urge. That's the sick spot, where we feel our deepest vulnerability, our deepest longing for relief, stimulation, whatever. So for me it's only when I can beg from that far down in myself that asking for help sometimes seems to come. And I know when I've understood what He tells me in those moments because I get some kind of deep comfort, relaxation, understanding. Sometimes it comes with crying.
ps. The lunchroom scenario was tongue in cheek. I totally agree with what you said, and probably shouldn't have been joking around about what is serious and important to you. I'm sorry.
Of course Hashem knows what He's doing, and if a fall is in the works, or if repeated falls are in the works, maybe that's part of your derech. But His will can be changed with prayer. My t'shirt is "Prayer is War". Daven the Amidah and battle that sucker.