Nothing works for me! Not the Shtuss, not GYE, not posting, not even Chinese. (Now ya wanna talk left over from Pesach non gebrocht Leiber chocolate cake, maybe that helps. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that helps.)
When I get spun out into my hissy fits, I'm a gonner. Shmutz is right around the corner. Nothing helps. I just gotta stand it. And when it's getting too much to stand I gotta just do SOMETHING, chos v'sh I should go learn.
Briut wrote on 09 Dec 2010 19:34:
And dangnabbit, but it's the next day and I'm STILL full of irritation.
Yeah, that's one of those "nothing helps" kind of insights.
Sounds like it might be getting closer to "Turn to Hashem Time" when all else fails. Aiy, I just bit my tongue.
Briut wrote on 09 Dec 2010 19:34:
I wish I had a better solution, though, than ruining the day of some poor clerk who probably deserves better.
Uh, isn't that a little grandiose? Uh, "ruining the day of some poor clerk who probably deserves better". At lunch they all get together in the lunchroom and laugh about all the jerks that called in and dumped on them cuz their wives weren't performing up to par.
And, uh, "deserves better"? What could be better than letting somebody dump their frustrations on one who doesn't all...who makes a mental note to "save this one for the lunchroom. Seems to me they're doing a Mitvah--being a venue for Hashem...Rephua Shlemah and all that.