Eye.nonymous wrote on 18 Aug 2010 11:32:
That's beautiful!
Yehoshua, I'd LIKE to say that's beautiful, also. But my own naarishkeit gets in the way. Namely, I seem to have such a high need for a predictable world where I know what I've taken it on to accomplish, and where I know others have claimed the role.
I do the food shopping; my wife takes out the trash. I do the boys carpool, she does the girls. I pay the business bills, she does the family.
The issue is NOT whether it's fair or balanced or whatever. The problem is, it would drive me crazy if she decides to "surprise" me with a load of groceries one day. (I would have gone shopping also, and suddenly there's too much food and it will spoil). I don't want to return the trashcan to our driveway because she'll lose "ownership" of the job and never do it again. I could go on and on to justify my pathetic and sick mindset. But it's how I feel.
So for me, it's easy to do something a little "extra" and unexpected. Flowers. Even a love note, I suppose. The old "pick up a broom" story, okay. But to take on "her" job, and to have her take on "my" job, as random events, and to destroy that predictability of "this is mine to handle in life, and that is for me NOT to handle, etc" -- would hurt.
How sick is that.
Sorry to hijack the discussion, but it's my thread, so I guess I can ask -- what do I DO about these feelings??? Thanks.