ur-a-jew wrote on 04 Aug 2010 02:06:
I tell you what: you help me learn how to tell my wife everything, and I'll help you learn how to perform by only lusting for your wife.
Thanks, everyone, for the thoughts and the chizzuk. I'll be pondering.
One edit, though, if I may to ur-a-jew... I don't think we're talking about how I'll learn to perform by only lusting for my wife. [That would be too simple, eh?] I think we're talking about how to perform without lust at all. You see, if I'm gonna be lusting, it's most likely to be after a fantasy that she's not biologically equipped to fulfill. So I think I'm limited to that area where performing comes as a result of pure love, without lustful intent at all.
THAT IS A VERY TRICKY, VERY HIGH MADREIGA, in my view. Not impossible, but tricky.
But you see, if I banish the lust that's linked to aveira, and I feel sorta lacking (not 100%, just sorta) in the lust that's "typical" between a husband and wife, I think I'm 'stuck' in the goal of a marital life through love alone, and without lust.
[And, to be a little heavy but also totally candid... until I can even start toward that tricky madreiga, I have to acknowledge that I resent her when I find myself without lust at all. I have to stop holding it against her that I'm sending my lust away on vacation. Because if I start resenting her for that, there's no room for love to enter the equation. And I'm left with nothing.]
I'll try to edit this in the morning when I have more of my wits about me to form sentences....