Briut wrote on 10 May 2010 01:40:
So this possuk speaks of the heart of stone into flesh, but no milah. Chumash speaks of heart and milah, but no stone (Dvarim 30:6). So if there's a place that puts heart, stone, flesh, and milah into one possuk, I HAVEN'T FOUND IT.
I had really thought it was there. Anyone able to help me out here (one way OR the other) before I move on? (Life's too short to change your life based on a false Torah premise....)
Thanks, everyone. Lemme know if there is such a possuk, after all.
PS: As much as I wanna take a break and just 'fall' for a while, so far it's not in the schedule. Tonight starts yesod sheb'yesod, so acting out is simply not attractive. Tomorrow night I might be at some risk, but by Tuesday morning I'll be scared that Tuesday's client $$ might be related to my success in this area so I'll stay clean. Tuesday night is the night before mikveh night so I'll try to stay clean in preparation. Once we're back together, the scene is more manageable. So I guess I just can't see a time for falling. But I gotta confess -- it's not that I don't want to, though, it's just that I can't find the time. Ending Day 63.
First off, Mazal Tov for 63 days!
OK, so the Zh"K talks about the orla of the lev being associated with orla (of the milah) d'chafyah bris. It explains that Avraham Avinu had a totally different depth of awareness (Da'as) of Hashem's Will after the (minimal) orlah of his milah was removed
because that removes his hearts cover, in turn. I think it's related to yesod being the main receiver from (and later the main mashpiyah on) Tiferes, which is the chitzoniyus of Da'as (Shabbos Shacharis). Does that help you any?
OK, whatever, but on a more practical level - though saying this might make some of the more delicate GYE-ers vomit - I guess that if I
could get away with it, I'd still be acting out, too. I did not start recovery for Hashem's Honor, much as I recognize it's value... I got sober because my life was unmanageable with lust in it, period.
So, far from offering you remonstrations about using lust, my concern is whether our lives are manageable with it. If they are, then I do not know how any addict is expected to get sober and recover. Yetzer Hora, cheshboinos pro/con? What does that have to do with Lust - a gun to my head, a feather up my nose - however you choose to see it - it drives me crazy and always ruins everything!
I need to be as free of it as possible.