guardureyes wrote on 05 May 2010 17:52:
To try and answer your question, see reply #198 and #214 on your thread.
Well, Guard, very cute to use my own thread and even my own words to answer my own question. Aarrgh. Have you ever been a shrink?
Anyhow, I do see the #214 amazing quote from Steve. I think you might have mis-spoken when it comes to #198, though (unless you have a sense for the ironic). Did you perhaps mean a different post or thread?
Anyhow, it's always great to have you pop in and give a little chizuk. Those Buckingham guards aren't supposed to open their mouths, ever!
Steve wrote on 28 Apr 2010 19:16:
[...] I think what Dr. Briut was reacting to is that he (perhaps) FANTASIZES that "recovery" or real, final "sobriety" means that I'll never feel the urge again, ever, I'll be too busy with Hashem to care, too filled with Hashem's light to notice any triggers. And every struggling moment is just an ugly reminder that I'm not there yet.
Doc, it's JUST A FANTASY. [...] Real recovery and sobriety is a LOT like what you just experienced. Having the tools we need to avoid following the triggers. [...]
Well, Steve, you're right, of course, but how come there are so MANY fantasies I'm being asked to give up. Can't I take them a few at a time?
Okay, okay, fine.... I'll get back into my Reb Noach Weinberg model of 'pleasure' and 'happiness.' Thanks for setting me, er, straight.
Briut wrote on 26 Apr 2010 23:04:
Aha! I hadn't noticed that little airbrush job [...]. Very clever, Guard. [Gotta watch out for those quiet ones [...], Guard.]
Guard, I think you might have mis-spoken. Or then again, perhaps it is those amateur attempts to airbrush over the challenging stuff that makes us down when things don't come out looking as blue-sky as we saw in the brochure. Hmmmn. Perhaps there's that quiet Guard at work, again....