Briut wrote on 07 Apr 2010 03:17:
Over yomtov, I had this image.....Somehow, for all these years I've kept the pipes working without leaks by wrapping more duct tape. The repairs don't meet code (Shulchan Orech) but they work. Somehow I'm now expected to replace all this crazy pipework with something new and streamlined and code-friendly.
OK so shutoff the water main in your house...located somewhere before it goes to the hot water boiler. and now go buy a blowtorach from the home depot/lowes ($25-) and mybe also the homeDepot do-it-yourself-book.
you will need to heat the pipes, and then apply sodder. I have once seen it done with old pipes, and they essentialy flooded the basement, untill all the piping emptied. and then then dryed it with a peice of chalah (even if it gets stuck in there, it will eventualy wash through the blumbing without getting stuck!) now heat the pipe till -realy hot- and move the flmae of the blowtorch tot he opposite sife if the pipe you are working on, make shure you brushed gthe uotside and inside of the copper fittings with a 'burring' tool, and apply the solder.
The laws of the 'capilary effet' will suck th solder into the fitting, leaving you with a slight ring of solder on the outside. (hint: you can wipe the excess with a moist sponge, you don't need it on the outside only on the inside) . tada a not-so-simple do it yourselfer....
hint: checkep the number of a good plumber b4 you start...just in-case things dont go "as planned"
BOB the builder (hey if ssteve from blues clues had his issues...and the head clown for barnum and bailey watched child ---- , even bob can be an SA)
this? This guy is either incredible, or well...incredible. I think he is also serious!