Hey Momo, I'd stick with the S dude guy person. You see, once this becomes an addiction, it is no longer an "aveira" issue, it's a
disease on multiple levels, physical (allergy), emotional and spiritual. And once it's a disease, you need to stick with the doctor and stop worrying about his approach vis-a-vis "aveiros"...
But hey, I have an even better idea. Why not use Reb S's approach when it comes to LIVING better (and happier and stress-free), but
also try the 90 day approach as far as trying "not to fall" for as long as possible too!
That sounds like the best of both worlds. And heck, you might find that when you try NOT to fall (just a little bit), you may be forced to start LIVING. This will help you reinforce the lessons that Reb S is trying to teach you... In other words, try to rack up a strong of clean days - not by focusing on NOT acting out, but by focusing on LIVING better. When you feel like acting out, don't white-knuckle it and stress about it, instead, ask yourself if this will help you LIVE or is this escape into darkness again?