Momo wrote on 20 Jan 2010 14:38:
You know, it drives me crazy that I've been asking to talk or write or chat with someone this week, with no responses. Only after I post a fall do the replies come in.
It shouldn't be this way.
The forum's dead. Uri's gone. It25's gone. The girls are gone. They were the biggest posters. It's not easy when there's nobody home here to write/chat/talk to.
Not to stoke one's bitterness, but I feel you are bringing up a point that has been bothering me since Uri's thread's expansion. It seemed to me that the greatest volume of flurries of posting occurred when he was at the verge of slipping/falling, whatever, then back from the brink, and again to the edge. I needed Drammamine, personally.
Well-meaning folks were coming out of the woodwork tobe mechazeik him, to plead with him, etc.
And by golly, it's a forum and that's what we are supposed to do! I guess...
But it's not that way where I come from. If I called my sponsor and told him I was "on the edge" (c"v), he'd callme back.....but he
wouldn't call me up the next day to see how I was doing. "The one who wants the help makes the call, period", is his byword. In the 12 step circles I frequent, those who tell another addict "I hope you don't slip," or, "don't do it, you'll be sorry," are seen as going too far. Better to say "go ahead. This way I'll get to see what happens and that way
I won't have to lose my sobriety to learn a lesson!"
Sounds cruel?
Maybe - but we are always ready to lend a listening and kind ear when another guy makes that call, and toshare our recovery with him with a full heart. We just recognize that we have no power to make anyone else recover - only Hashem does. We can only share, not convince. If another addict's heart is moved by what we say, or by how we listen, then we did our job.
I love you, rather than fix you.
G-d does the fixing
when you want it.
That's just how I see it, which is why I generally refrained from those flurries. It scares me and makes me feel too powerful, when I am tempted to look at this stuff like "kiruv". Kiruv is not an ilness, it's not like recovery. To me, this is an illness, not a madreiga, and I have not the power to keep
myself sober today - how can I
possibly save anyone
else's sobriety?
If anyone who reads this is
not insulted or upset by it, but sees it's merit, they might consider focusing their posts/shares on their solution - sharing what has actually
worked for them in some way, practically. Theory is for the beis hamidrash. This is the battlefield. At least please keep it that way for when I post that
I'm going through a rough time one day....thanks. Love you all!
Thanks for sharing, Momo.