Momo wrote on 17 Jan 2010 08:02:
OOps, I just spend the past hour surfing celebrities (dressed, but hardly). I was taken over by the Y"H.
I guess that means I slipped A LOT this morning. I really hope I don't fall today, but with the amount of slipping I've done, it won't be easy.
MOMO Please be strong, it's R' Zisha's yahrtzait today.
And l'kavodo I'll tell you a well known saying of his.
When I come up to shomayim, they will not ask me "Why weren't you the Ba'al Shem Tov", nor will they ask me "Why weren't you the Maggid". They won't even ask me "Why weren't you R' Meilech (His brother). What they will ask me is "Why weren't you Zisha?".
We are only asked to be the person we really are, and use the potential we really have. Because that's us.
MOMO, Who you are asked to be is no one other than MOMO. And the nesayon which you are given is to stay away from the shmutz today. That's who MOMO is, and that is what is expected of him.
"Ki zeh kol ha'adam" - Just be you. This is the way MOMO acts. He genuinely cares, he is strong, and he recognizes what can trigger his Y"H to do things which he doesn't want, and he makes it his business to stay away from those things. Just don't do anything that MOMO doesn't do.
I hope you have an amazing day.
P.S. Why can't I see your name on the chart?