silentbattle wrote on 10 Jan 2010 20:41:
Momo - I'm glad you're still on track. But even if you weren't, it would not have lessened my respect for you one bit. You're amazing, and we're not in this for the short-term - we're here for a long, long battle, and I know that I'd put my bets on you any day, and never regret it.
You'll always be a winner.
Thank you, that means a lot.
I was speaking with Rav S today, and the topic of the Kumsitzim came up. He said that while the kumsitzim is nice because it lets us meet new people who understand us, it may stop us from posting with complete honesty since we'll be embarrassed once we meet some of the people. So what you wrote now sort of counters some of the shame I would have felt had I "fallen".