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Momo II: Another try
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Scientific studies show that it takes 90 days to break an addictive pattern in the mind. Start your own Log of your journey to 90 days! Post here to update us on your status and to give each other chizuk to stay strong!

TOPIC: Momo II: Another try 55746 Views

Re: Momo II: Another try 07 Jan 2010 17:29 #43429

  • imtrying25
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MOMO IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!! Keep on getting hugged. It never gets old!!!! We love you and keep on rocking!!!
Last Edit: by perela2518.

Re: Momo II: Another try 07 Jan 2010 21:37 #43530

  • Momo
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Steve, LOL.

I had to post something.  I can't let my thread go to page 2, G-d forbid.  ;D

Shabbat Shalom everyone!


HaShem loves me.
HaShem loves you!
Last Edit: by pleasedwolf79.

Re: Momo II: Another try 07 Jan 2010 22:20 #43545

  • Tomim2B
It's been so inspiring watching you grow the way you are! I'm keeping close watch on your thread, and I'm so proud of our Momo!

Last Edit: by chizukplease.

Re: Momo II: Another try 07 Jan 2010 22:45 #43555

  • the.guard
  • Current streak: 745 days
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Momo, I'm so happy you got that Hug. You really deserve it!
Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
Last Edit: by empowereddolphin24.

Re: Momo II: Another try 07 Jan 2010 23:57 #43584

  • tester613
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I am so excited over your hug.  The amazing thing is that I also had a wonderful hug.    I was practically crying in happiness. 
Last Edit: by younginheartandmind.

Re: Momo II: Another try 08 Jan 2010 00:03 #43586

  • imtrying25
  • Current streak: 16 days
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Enough with this hug talk. Its no fair. You guys are practically dancing while we are all just moping and groping :-\ :-\
Last Edit: by aror.

Re: Momo II: Another try 08 Jan 2010 11:04 #43727

  • habaletaher
  • Current streak: 23 days
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MOMO!!! You did it!!! (I know this is totally belated, but I just saw the post now!!! I'm gonna figure out how to donate anonymously and pay up right now, I want your zechusim to start working on your behalf as soon as possible so that you can launch straight to 90!!!

Wow, GOOD for You man!!!

You are roaring so loud I can't fit in 99 point, but this is the best I can do, so...


Have a Roaring Awesome Shabbos!
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Re: Momo II: Another try 08 Jan 2010 18:46 #43835

  • Steve
  • Current streak: 5034 days
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All I can say is...


Hope you heard it.

Good Shabbos!!!
No one is so small that he can not give help, and no one is so big that he doesn't need it.

Kol HaOlam Kulo, Gesher Tzar Meod, V'HaIkkar: Lo L'Pacheid Klal.
Last Edit: by .

Re: Momo II: Another try 10 Jan 2010 00:57 #43935

  • jerusalemsexaddict
I love you man
and i miss your morning calls terribly
did u get skype and a mic yet?
Last Edit: by .

Re: Momo II: Another try 10 Jan 2010 05:59 #43967

  • Momo
  • Current streak: 6 days
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Uri wrote on 10 Jan 2010 00:57:

I love you man
and i miss your morning calls terribly
did u get skype and a mic yet?

Uri, who's that? Sounds familiar...  ;D

Just kidding. I miss you too.

I have a skype account, but no mic. Anyway, I don't think I can do that at work at my desk. Usually when I speak to you on the phone I leave the office.

Uri, hope you're well. Why don't you write me (here on in my email) about your life in America?
Last Edit: by .

Re: Momo II: Another try 10 Jan 2010 06:14 #43973

  • Momo
  • Current streak: 6 days
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Hi everyone.

So, today is day 34 for me.

I know this isn't Overeaters Anon., but I decided that my eating habits are starting to get out of control, especially eating right before I go to bed. So, why not apply the methods here to eating too?
Today is day 3 of my not eating right before bed.

Shavua tov everyone!

(Good morning Habib.  )
Last Edit: by .

Re: Momo II: Another try 10 Jan 2010 08:01 #43984

  • habaletaher
  • Current streak: 23 days
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Hayom Shlosha yomin

lilo ochlim

lifnei sheyoshnim!

It kinda rhymes,

Good luck with that too! Addictive personalities get addicted to everything (as can be seen by the vast number of GYE addicts yself included), and while your stabiizing one area of life, it is much easier to stabilize other ones too, b/c in general you're in a time of bringing order to life to replace chaos...

Last Edit: by .

Re: Momo II: Another try 10 Jan 2010 12:07 #44000

  • Momo
  • Current streak: 6 days
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Momo wrote on 10 Jan 2010 06:14:

So, today is day 34 for me.

Sorry, but I may have blown it.
I did something this morning. I don't know if it's considered a slip or a fall. I PM-ed Guard, and I'll let him give psak.

Sorry again GYE. You know how it is, sometimes the Y"H gets one victory...
Last Edit: by .

Re: Momo II: Another try 10 Jan 2010 12:28 #44004

  • jerusalemsexaddict
I love you man.
Im sorry im too lazy to email.
Hopefully soon ill have some energy.

Thinking of you

[Moderator's note: Please excuse the edit, Uri.  I sent Guard what you wrote, so if he disagrees with me, he can restore it].

Last Edit: 10 Jan 2010 14:24 by .

Re: Momo II: Another try 10 Jan 2010 12:30 #44005

  • Steve
  • Current streak: 5034 days
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  • I
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yo Momo,

Waddevah 'tis, don' let yoself get DEEEEEEEEpressed, or your clothes'll look all wrinkly.

Do the POTCH for a POTCH method today. POTCH the bad ol' YH right back. Do something heilige to show him who's boss, who's gonna win the war. Learn an extra Blott, do an extra chesed, bentch with a fierce kavanah - your choice of even more.

And don't worry about giving up that one fox hole on the front. Surround him on the other sides, then WAMMO!!!

Now, if only Stratego was this simple...
No one is so small that he can not give help, and no one is so big that he doesn't need it.

Kol HaOlam Kulo, Gesher Tzar Meod, V'HaIkkar: Lo L'Pacheid Klal.
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