I am a 17 year old bochur who has been addicted to these aveiros for over six years. I have tried all sorts of methods, but each one of them continues to fail. I desperately want to get out of the Hell that has infested all the areas of my life. As the Mesilas Yeshorim says in chapter one, I have been misrachek vholech min hatov haAmiti. In order to succeed I am going to need much chizuk from everyone in the group. I have a Yetzer Hara for not writing messages, and even when I do the Yetzer tries to trick me in writing them in such a way that even if I was oveir every aveiroh in the Torah I would seem like a Tzaddik. I have come to this forum with the intention of being completely honest and forthright. I ask of everyone though to please check up on me, if I am not quick to respond it is a surely bad sign. On a more positive note, I cannot thank enough everyone here who devotes their time to this cause. I know personally that this is the biggest issue I have had in my entire life and my primary taavah. I have never mentioned it to anyone else and it is amazing to be able to write freely here. Everyone who responds here is being osek in meleches shomayim.
Unfortunately, my first clean day will have to start tomorrow as I fell today. That though is a thing of the past for I will not return BEzras Hashem to that stage.
To end on a Torah thought that I heard from the singer Eitan Katz n"y. We say in Tehillim, LeHagid Baboker Chasdecha VEmunascha BaLailos, To declare your chassadim in the morning and emunah at night. What is usually overlooked is that the passuk says VEmunascha, which means and your (Hashem's) emunah, not ours. The message is that during the boker, i.e. times of strength and success when everything is clear like the morning, we praise Hashem for all the help He has given us. When though it is layla, when it is a time of struggle and the divide between right and wrong is not so clear cut, we have to remember Hashem's emunah in us that we will succeed! Through that we are able to succeed.
Thank you all again very much