Update from the old chart.
My last real streak ended at day 25. I don't know what set it off (maybe external pressure), but I got a huge pull towards acting out. I tried EVERYTHING, or so I told myself... the mirror, the inner shouting, physical exercise, praying for help... but it helped nothing. I was pulled down and fell. It was a huge shock... not only because I fell once again, but since I did not know where to improve!! Though I do know... my relationship with the Creator had "deteriorated" a little; I had let the most, only, important thing of my life become less than what it should have been. I was not able to give up everything to Him. Something that is incredibly hard for me, since I am naturally someone who likes to control everything... and believes in the strength of the human mind; mind over matter philosophy. Why is it that I can drive myself close to collapse in sports and other areas of life, but cannot stop myself here? Is it because its an addiction and a foe so much more sophisticated and clever than a mere human body?... Because of my lack of will? .. Because I still fail to see the first step of the 12? Or at least implement it enough?
Anyways, I was too ashamed to admit to You and my sponsor of my renewed failure, I stopped posting or writing about it. And it continued, a spiral of more falls... falling into a black pit... going so low as to not even feel very ashamed afterwards.... thinking "My soul asked for too much when it came down to Earth; that happens when you try and reach for the stars...." Three days ago I picked myself up ago, and kept clean till now. Back on my old track, with a better understanding of the first step. If it is enough, only the L-rd knows... ... I certainly pray and hope it is.
Greetings from a desperate struggler,