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the koach of your avodah - cizuk
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TOPIC: the koach of your avodah - cizuk 1904 Views

the koach of your avodah - cizuk 20 Apr 2009 01:30 #4511

  • shemirateinayim
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The 'sefarim hakedoshim' bring that when a person is being misgaver on his yetzer hara, and look away from smeone/something assur, he is mitlabesh with an 'ohr', that shines from his neshama on earth all the way to shamayim (and tzaddikim have the koach to see that ohr). They are mevaeir: that when he is overcoming the tayva his chelek haneshama in shamayim is mitlabesh in the ohr created by the kivush hayetzer done by his neshama on earth. and davka during that time, it is a tremendious eiss ratzon....so take the oppertunity and daven!          The tefilot of everyone here have an extra potensy, since unlike the tzddikim of our dor, we have the oppertunity to take advantage of this segulah every time we open our computers, newspapers, tv, etz  (letza'areinu of course).

I would ask you all to daven for my hatzlacha in these areas.....but then i would lose my anonymity.
Last Edit: 17 Nov 2011 13:39 by .

Re: the koach of your avodah - cizuk 20 Apr 2009 01:37 #4512

  • shemirateinayim
  • Current streak: 2 days
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Additionaly, being that the midah of this wek of sefira is Gevurah....ya'll must listen to Rav Efraim Waxman.  bekitzur this week has the ability to be mashrish into you the midas hagevurah...the ability to do stand by our principals against all odds.  Incidentaly last week being midas hachesed was probably even more nogaiya to us , since chesed mitzad haklipah is  znus. But anyhow Gevurah being the 'other side of the fence' is still a very neccesary kinyan in these areas.  you can listen to it on the "Chazak Line" 718-258-2008 .    (I would summerise alot of it here, but i don't have the time, and It's more Kedai to hear him say it!)
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Re: the koach of your avodah - cizuk 20 Apr 2009 06:13 #4515

  • me
It is also brought down, that when one is Misgaver on his yetzer, in shamayim the malachim are completely confounded, and in awe at how one with a y"h can do such an avodah. All of their avodah is without a y"h.
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