May Hashem reward my sacrifice - which is huge for me, even though it was always just my responsibility- with complete refuas hanefesh urefuas haguf for my wife, and the close relationship we both want.
And may he reward me with more sobriety, mitzvah goreres mitzvah/schar mitzvah mitzvah.
I'll also ask for a yeshua in parnassah to take care of my wife and family, and the ability to channel my challenges into strength to bring morality to the world.
I'm sure Hashem could have given all that to me long ago, maybe He just needed me to get sober. Maybe he won't give it to me yet because I need 180 days, or 30 years sober, or I'll never deserve it. No way to know. But I believe He wants me to do good in this world, otherwise He wouldn't have led me down a path that holds so much potential.
And I know Hashem wants me here - I've been miraculously saved from taking my life, and experienced too many miracles to not know that Hashem is with me all the time - even when though my yetzer hara tells me I don't deserve to be around.
Well, I am around, and Hashem was just mechadesh the world a second ago with me in it.
And I'll continue to be sober tomorrow, with Hashem's help.