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Shlomo's Shlep to 90
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Scientific studies show that it takes 90 days to break an addictive pattern in the mind. Start your own Log of your journey to 90 days! Post here to update us on your status and to give each other chizuk to stay strong!

TOPIC: Shlomo's Shlep to 90 18194 Views

Re: Shlomo's Shlep to 90 27 Apr 2010 00:28 #63172

  • Shlomo
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 289
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back on my feet again. today went really well in terms of shemiras einayim as well as overall time management. very happy with the past 24 hours. hope all is well with everyone else.

day 1: getting the ball rolling.
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Re: Shlomo's Shlep to 90 27 Apr 2010 00:49 #63182

  • silentbattle
  • Current streak: 1628 days
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Glad to hear it. You're on your feet, and every day is valuable!
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Re: Shlomo's Shlep to 90 27 Apr 2010 01:59 #63192

  • Chazak Amenu
  • Current streak: 378 days
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Good to hear it Shlomo, it always feels good to have a successful day! keep it up!
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Re: Shlomo's Shlep to 90 28 Apr 2010 00:33 #63336

  • Shlomo
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 289
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good evening. trying my hardest to keep up with being as productive as possible and i've been successful thus far. G-dwilling it will continue!! again, things went well today and i hope the same is true of everyone else.

day 2: getting the balling rolling faster
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Re: Shlomo's Shlep to 90 28 Apr 2010 21:57 #63487

  • silentbattle
  • Current streak: 1628 days
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Just remember, no matter how fast the ball rolls, it's one day at a time.
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Re: Shlomo's Shlep to 90 29 Apr 2010 03:06 #63510

  • Shlomo
  • Gold Boarder
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very short update tonight. i had a very, very long day (wasn't home for 14 straight hours  :o) so now i'm wiped. but still things are good by me. played my first ever varsity tennis match (at 2nd doubles) and won 7-5, 6-0 and i had a great time playing. well, for me, no news is good news and i wish all the best to everyone.

day 3: just keep swimming, just keep swimming.

p.s. silentbattle: you deserve an award. your posts are so insightful and you are without a doubt one of the greatest resources and post-ers on the forum. todah rabah for everything you've done. 
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Re: Shlomo's Shlep to 90 29 Apr 2010 03:17 #63512

  • Chazak Amenu
  • Current streak: 378 days
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  • Posts: 526
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congratulations on the varsity tennis wins! it sounds really cool!
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Re: Shlomo's Shlep to 90 30 Apr 2010 00:33 #63634

  • silentbattle
  • Current streak: 1628 days
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  • Karma: 15
Stop making me blush...no, go one, keep saying those things :D

Seriously, though - thank you. You've been one of the people who've inspired me, posted on my thread, and helped me grow - thank YOU!
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Re: Shlomo's Shlep to 90 30 Apr 2010 01:21 #63647

  • Shlomo
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 289
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good evening everyone.

once again, things are good by me. today was another all around busy day. i had another match, and for some reason, my coach sat our normal 3rd single player and put me in instead. i had to play someone who has won the state championship at 3rd singles for the past three years. i played well, but i knew it wasnt gonna end well  ;D. but i had fun with it and even though i didnt win, it actually helped taking it one point at a time. boy, the things i learn on GUE are applicable to basically everything  . i hope all is well with everyone else.

day 4: back on the chart and looking to begin the rise, one day/point at a time.
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Re: Shlomo's Shlep to 90 30 Apr 2010 06:12 #63679

  • silentbattle
  • Current streak: 1628 days
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  • Karma: 15
That's great - and you were able to enjoy the game! Glad to hear that you're smiling, my friend.
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Re: Shlomo's Shlep to 90 05 May 2010 22:35 #64033

  • Shlomo
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 289
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now that the forum's back, i guess i can update. this past weekend went extremely well up until sunday night. i attended to bar mitvahs which were both amazing. the services went really well and the parties were full of simcha. but once i got home from the party on sunday afternoon, i found myself with literally hours of free time and nothing to do. i tried to find a way to stay occupied but the thoughts came on very strong. and i fell. but i have since tried to pick up where i left off and have a schedule planned out just in case i find myself with free time.

in other news, i have only 2 days of school left (and friday doesnt really count) so i'm pretty much done with high school.  ;D.

day 3: one day at a time.
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Re: Shlomo's Shlep to 90 09 May 2010 13:55 #64375

  • Shlomo
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 289
  • Karma: 0
morning of day 7. shabbos went well, though i had an urge to act out motzei shabbos. i thought then realized that i had no access to literally anything, so for the first time, i was actually happy i could not act out. i feel a little weird typing it, but its the truth. every other time i've stopped myself from longing, there was still a sense that i wanted to, despite all the negative feelings towards it. hopefully this isnt a one time thing and this continue's.

in the coming two weeks, i have high school finals, all of them encompassing either a full year of study or in some cases, two full years  :o. much of my time will be spent studying (both for the finals as well as torah) but there's always the chance that a stray thought will come through. so i've been davening that Hashem should protect me during the coming weeks.

also, i'm not sure if anyone has any tips on what to do, but with K9, my filter blocks virtually all of the pages on GUE that are links to accountability software. and b/c i'm going to need access to youtube until about mid-june (for a senior project), i'd like an extra fence put up. BH, chazak amenu said he would be my partner, but if i cant get to the websites to set something up, i dunno what to do. i also emailed the filtergabbai but havent heard back in about a week. my only other option is to use the computer we have
downstairs, which i pray i dont have to use, b/c it has unfiltered internet. bad mix. if anyone has any ideas, they would be appreciated.

and also, just some food for thought that i read recently:


day 7: made it through a week and looking to extend the streak!
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Re: Shlomo's Shlep to 90 09 May 2010 19:37 #64397

  • Shlomo
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 289
  • Karma: 0
so while i davened for the coming weeks to be successful, i forgot the idea of worrying about today because thats all you have control over. i fell and fell hard. not only did i fall, but it was a huge waste of time, because it could've been used to study for my finals. i can only hope that the rest of the day will pass without incident and that i can be as productive as possible. i am ashamed and although i havent found the reason yet, i know this fall happened for a reason.
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Re: Shlomo's Shlep to 90 09 May 2010 20:03 #64404

  • silentbattle
  • Current streak: 1628 days
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Are you standing right now? I hope so - good! You're clean right now, and you're going to stay clean...one day at a time...

You're working on growing, and that's important! Remember that you CAn stay clean - you've proven that to yourself before!
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Re: Shlomo's Shlep to 90 09 May 2010 20:22 #64412

  • the.guard
  • Current streak: 697 days
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Shlomo wrote on 09 May 2010 13:55:

also, i'm not sure if anyone has any tips on what to do, but with K9, my filter blocks virtually all of the pages on GUE that are links to accountability software.

Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
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