Shlomo, Welcome :-)
What I've noticed, with myself, and with others on here... as soon as we decide to fight the Yetzer Hara, he suddenly goes into high level battle mode. Just like you will have withdrawal, the YH will also. HE DOES NOT WANT TO LOSE YOU! So guess what, he's stepping up his game. You will take a step to fight, and he'll take a BIGGER step! Every success of yours will be matched with a greater challenge of the Y"H. There WILL be a certain point where it won't be so bad.... but just like any withdrawal symptoms, they're the WORST in the beginning. What is happening is that you're a "newbie" soldier. The Y"H knows that and is trying to get you to give up. But once you pass the beginning, and become a soldier with experience, the YH will not seem so threatening... He will just be another soldier in the battle of life. But don't let your lack of experience fighting stop you from trying. Its important to just get past these few weeks and then it won't feel like "yea... but I fell this time because life was SO much harder this time than usual...."
We're here with you to help keep things in perspective. My rav once told me... there's nothing wrong w/ going to a movie.... just make sure you buy a seat for GOD. If you wouldn't want God sitting next to you when that pritzus comes on the screen... then maybe you shouldn't be watching the movie. When you're about to fall, make sure we all here at GUE get a seat next to you. Don't forget to tell us that we're expected to occupy that seat. Then maybe we can help you put into perspective for yourself whether we want to be sitting there in the first place... Because realistically, neither of us wants to be there... just sometimes we don't even realize what's happening.... so just make sure to remember... save us a seat!