Bh still going strong on day 32!
I can't believe that just a short month ago I felt that I was stuck in the grips of this monster with no way out until my last day on this earth. I thank hashem every day for pointing me in the right direction to finally win this war for good! Like it says "הבא לטהר מסייעין אותו" - those words have never been truer for me! After 11+ years, I can truthfully say that I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. Some of you may say that I shouldn't be so calm and serene with where I'm holding because the yetzer hora has many tricks up his sleeve. To that, I'll answer that davka the calmness and serenity is what keeps me grounded and able to fight this war day by day, week by week and month by month. I feel, that when we come at life's difficulties and challenges from a matziv of "calm, cool and collected" instead of always hitting the panic button when something comes along that threatens to drag us down, then we have a much greater chance at success. I'm still taking it one day at a time and I still remind myself every day that I must always be battle ready and never let my guard down. All the yh needs is a small pirtzah and before we know it he's dragged us down to the bottom of the quicksand. At the end of the day we can only do so much, but I firmly believe that if I don't budge from my (new and much improved) standards then hashem in his infinite goodness will help me keep traversing the mountains and valleys of this world. Like it says פתחו" לי פתח כחודו של מחט ואני אפתח "לך כפתחו של אולם
That's all for now.
Hope this can be mechazek someone!