Fell on both days of yom tov and each of the two days since. The stress, anxiety, and depression I've been dealing with just built up and became too much. The good news is that the porn images/fantasies have largely faded away at this point and none of the falls involved porn fantasies, so I'm taking that as progress--it's been 5 weeks since I intentionally sought out anything inappropriate online (aka since I installed webchaver). I have to stop falling though, especially when it's becoming a daily thing. I'm still most vulnerable right after waking up.
At this point, I really need to focus on addressing the mental health stuff that leads me down this path. At its core, the P&M are mostly just comforts/emotional crutches. My plan for addressing this is to get daily exercise, socialization, and meditation in. I can't miss days on any of these three things if I want to recover. Once I've stuck to this for a bit, I can see what else I can add to my plan.