in_ardua_tendit wrote on 23 Mar 2021 15:31:
Okay guys, I did a big thing today and blocked Twitter on my phone with the filter (the website and the app). I also blocked another app which allowed access to pornographic content. I had a fall this morning but I don't want to keep doing that. And I don't want to keep wasting so much time on twitter. My hand goes to the phone to unlock it and open the twitter app even now that it is gone, while I am sitting at my desk in front of my work computer. I realized that it really is like an addiction. For example, I did not go to sleep for about 45 minutes last night because I was on Twitter. And even if I had been reading instead, at least I would have been reading, and I would have gone to sleep earlier, probably, because I get tired eventually reading in a way I do not when anticipating the dopamine buzz of twitter news and twitter interactions.
Thanks to everyone who reached out to give suggestions and chizuk.
Wow, I’m very impressed. Very choshuv. You’re a true Ben Chorin.
Keep shteiging and keep in touch!