I am proud to share with you that today, is my 1 year anniversary of rediscovering Hashem. I havent watched porn in a year. I havent masturbated in a year. I havent willingly gazed at women in a year. I havent listened to secular radio or TV in a year. I havent watched a secular movie in a year. I havent listened to non Jewish music in a year etc. etc.
I have spoken to Hashem more in the past year than in my entire life previously. I havent missed Tefilah B'Tzibur in a year! I havent missed a day of learning Torah in a year! etc. etc.
I dont write this to gloat or to be haughty Chas V'Shalom, rather to prove to all of you that IT CAN BE DONE!!
If i did it, and came back from the lowest depths of sin, ANYONE can do it! Trust me, I was not deserving of a second chance, but our Father in heaven, Melech Malchei Hamelochim gives EVERYONE the opportunity to do Teshuva, NO MATTER how in despair the situation may seem!
I thank Hashem from the bottom of my heart for giving me the strength to remain clean for an entire year. May Hashem give me, and all of you, the Koach to remain steadfast in our resolve to live correctly.
We all make mistakes and we all have Nisyonos. The key is to get up,admit your weakness, and keep going! It's not being right that matters, it's living right!
My dear brothers and sisters, I love you all and I admire you all. YOU all have a huge part in this milestone, no question about it.
I doubt I would be here today celebrating this huge victory over the Yetzer Hara if not for the constant inspiration of Guard, Elya, Jack, and the rest of you!
Yidden! Purim is around the corner, but we may all start drinking L'Chaim NOW!
Chazak V'Ematz to all of us!!!