Thanks so much for coming out and supporting!!! I started this thread 9 days ago and I'm 9 days clean!!! I can honestly say that I have benefited tremendously from this site, and I have held myself back numerous times because of it! (Like tonight for example... Every time I think of doing something or looking at something, I'm like, NOPE I can't do that, thems people at GYE care too much about me and I can't let them down!!! Ironically I find myself thinking, OK, no porn, but what about other things, maybe if I just look at other things just a step away from porn I can still keep my rating, but it is all the big bad yetzer hara man.... I'm not even sure what the threshold for a slip up or a fall is, maybe you can enlighten me...
I also appreciate that the moment I posted something about my blog getting lonely (I posted 4 posts in a row yesterday, I was really getting desperate, you all just came out of the woodworks in support, it was a huge chizzuk!!
Bardi: I don't know how you do it, but your avatars and posts just fill the forum with lightness and unstoppable simcha!! Keep on Trucking!!
Reb Gaurd: Thanks for the chizzuk, and I know I'm not towing the line just yet, but soon you will have passwords to my K9 accounts on both my CPU and laptop!! It's hard to close that door and install all these filters when you've been fall free for 9 days. Unfortunately, it is right after a fall that you have the most strength to day Enough!! Hopefully you will get mine before I fall.
Momo: I don't know how you make your oversized posts and all your special effects, but I know it makes everyone here excited, people really seem to rally around you! I can't wait for your surprise postings, and I can't wait to give a hundie to GYE in your honor. Keep Rockin in the Free world!!
One Life: I look forward to finishing 90 days together with you and Reb Steve.
Imtrying25: You just seem to be everywhere delivering chizzuk despite being confined to a walker
How do you do it? Keep it up! (Also, I know that I can visit other people's threads and I have done a lot of that, but sometimes it's hard to leave a post if you don't know the person at all....)
Clear Eyes: Thanks for the chizzuk and may we all get what your name calls for. I stared at the chanukah licht long and hard (well actually not soooo long, I'm always super busy, and chanukah was no exception....) cuz they say it washes/clears your eyes.. I think GYE can help those chanaukha candles have that affect!