imtrying25 wrote on 18 Dec 2009 10:01:
Haba Haba Haba what the heck am i composing a song or something. Yeah dude im weird. Say it again. IM WEIRD. But what could i doabout it. My point though. One day at a time. On minute at a time. And in extreme situation one freakin second at a time. Keep the 200 for the racers in the olympics. We ride trycycles here. We are the turtle. we let the rabbit run run run till he ends up in hell. We crawl crawl crawl till we end up in a better place. No ofense Rage i think youll end up in that better place too. Sorry just felt i needed to voice my opinion.
All I want are some frikkin turtles with machine guns on their backs! They crawl, but they also have firepower. Imagine that: "I, Haba Haba Haba, condemn you Mr. Yetzer Hara Man to die at the firing squad. Your crimes are: making life miserable for all of humanity, and hurting Yaakov Avinu's leg. Turtles, aim, steady, fire!"
OK it's 5AM for me, I'm on a massive sleep deficit, and I still need to learn for about an hour before I can go to bed. But the good news is tomorrow will be 3! And you know we Jews love the number 3! Balance my friends, balance, that is true beauty in life, it's also knows as tiferes. Unfortunately most of us are here for balance deficits, but 3 is a good goal for me. And if I don't get off this computer right now, I might not make it to three, so I have to call the turtles in for the night!
Have a Good Shabbos!