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TOPIC: Had a fall 339 Views

Had a fall 15 Jun 2020 02:22 #351203

  • wagon
  • Current streak: 662 days
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Posts: 7
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Hello everyone, I wanted to tell you that I had a fall the other day and I haven't been able to start again. It's hard, I managed to get to 37 days but  had a fall six days ago. It's hard to get on board again. I think about stopping, and how it would be much better, but I just don't have the strenght. I know I have many improvements to make, such as installing a third-person-controlled-filter, but I can't pay for it. It really sucks, specially knowing deep inside that I can beat it.
This is my second time trying, and got further than the first time. Everything was fine until I was watching T.V. at night (I'm not married) and came up with this scene. I wasn't looking for it, I was just going through the channels. I wasn't reading the GYE emails everyday or getting on the website or anything. I just thought about not doing it, and it was going well. I'm not a religious person, I don't daven, before a month we started doing the brachot of wine and challa on shabat, although it's not something we do so often. I don't have that mindset of thinking in G-d about everything I do.
I'm sorry I wrote this not-so-connected text, I just wanted to express a few feelings.

Re: Had a fall 15 Jun 2020 04:21 #351209

Hey brother! First off, congrats on the great streak! 

Secondly, maybe try reaching out to webchaver. I believe they offer free accounts for those that can't afford to pay. www.webchaver.org/index.php

Lastly, I will say that even "religious" people have trouble thinking about G-d all day

Maybe start a small goal to stay clean for 3 days to get out of this temporary detour. I'm rooting for you! KOT, and most important keep the spirit! 
If you are really bored, you can check out my original thread here: guardyoureyes.com/forum/4-On-the-Way-to-90-Days/305558-Journey-of-one-day-at-a-time 

"Think good and it will be good!"

Re: Had a fall 17 Dec 2020 14:04 #358930

  • yeshivaguy
  • Current streak: 7 days
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Hows it goin man?
Come back! We need you!!
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