Tried-123 wrote on 23 Aug 2010 02:12:
מבי"ט (בית אלקים שער התשובה פ"ו) (מובא ב"עלים לתרופה" גליון תצ"א – וילך תשס"ו]- ענין התשובה, ששב האדם בכל שנה ושנה, וחוזר אחר כך למה שחטא.... נראה מדברי רבותינו כי כיון שחזר האדם בתשובה ... וגמר בלבו שלא לעשותם עוד, השי"ת מעביר חטאתו בתשובה זאת, ואם אח"כ חוזר לחטוא, יצה"ר הוא שפתה אותו מחדש... [ויש להוסיף – שרואים שיום כיפורים נקבע מראש לחזור בכל שנה – "מלך מוחל וסולח לעונותנו ולעונות עמו בית ישראל ומעביר אשמותינו בכל שנה ושנה" (מוסף ליו"כ)].
-From Teshuva B'zmanenu by Dr. Sorotzkin
Thanx, Tried-123, that was VERY nice to hear. Could be HKB"H doesn't "need" it, that he gives us a kapparah every year "B'asher Hu Sham," but I know
I NEED IT. I need to see that i am indeed coming with PROOF to MYSELF that I can improve. It gives me a lot of chizuk and a source of pride in finally doing SOME amount of Hashem's will, though i'm not geivedik about it. I have alot more quality in this inyan to work on, as well as many other inyanim.
Nevertheless, we must ALL approach Hashem as Daalim, as beggars at the door, pleading for the Tzedakkah of forgiveness. Hashem takes no bribes, but I think a Father sheps a lot of nachas when his formerly wayward son comes home with a smiley face sticker on his chidon. And all the understanding of this vort from Rabbi Sorotzkin doesn't change the fact that we are enjoined to try our hardest NOT to go back and repeat our old ways, which chazal liken to "a dog that returns to its vomit."
My main point, which I always want to stress, is that we must look at the QUALITY of the days in recovery, more than the QUANTITY of the days of sobriety. White-knuckling our way thru is not the final answer. Let's focus on each day, day by day, and work on the quality of our lives.
A major tenant that we recently saw in the Program is that it's goal is
"to get us to a place in life where we will no longer need to escape from our feelings." And in doing to, we can become FREE from our desire to lust, because there will be no need to for it. Happiness and serenity will give us no need to medicate. I have B"H seen this on many small occasions, and I daven that over time it will become a global part of my life.
Yehi Ratzon we should all be able to get there, and to do it TOGETHER, b'achdus ub'raiyus.