I get a regular email from AJOP, and in it today was this article: See this photo:
www.forward.com/workspace/assets/images/articles/essapickle-062410.jpg The store, Ess-A-Pickle — Yiddish for “eat a pickle” — opened in March. It is the latest incarnation of Guss’ Pickles, the Lower East Side culinary institution that spent almost a century as a monument to immigrant New York City. The shop, with its trademark pickle barrels lining the sidewalk, closed in late 2009.
For the owner Pat Fairhurst, a Catholic who grew up in Brooklyn’s Boro Park, Ess-A-Pickle is a homecoming of sorts... Moving to Boro Park has meant fewer tourists on a sentimental journey and more questions like, “Did you get the certification yet?”
Ess-A-Pickle is OU-certified, but Fairhust is waiting for a rabbi to finish investigating the dozens of spices she uses before she can obtain the stricter Central Rabbinical Congress (CRC) hekhsher, or certification, that the Chassidic Orthodox families are looking for. Fairhurst said the process is 99% complete.
“They keep coming and saying, ‘You’ve gotta get it. You need a hekhsher,’ ” she said, softly laughing. “I say, ‘No, I don’t. You need a hekhsher,’ because I’m not Jewish.”
(For the record, Fairhurst’s store is closed on Saturdays and shuts down at 4 p.m. on Fridays out of respect for the Sabbath.) I was really taken by this line:
" 'You need a hekhsher', because I’m not Jewish.” NOW,
being a PICKLE, I KNOW a thing or two. And to ME, this message means that I can not give myself a realiable hekhsher. I can't be trusted not to succumb to temptations of using cheaper ingredients and tainting my product with unkosher spices. I need BOTH a
Certification from a Higher Authority (absolutely
NO NOD to Hebrew National intended) AND a
Mashgiyach, an agent of the certifying Agency who watches over ME to make sure I am not TAINTED by any UNKOSHER SPICES. After all, cucumbers start out completely KOSHER when they are CREATED, they just get CHANGED when somebody SURROUNDS them with OUTSIDE FORCES. Now, those forces could still be KOSHER, meaning HOLY influences, and the pickle comes out sweet and juicy and a beautiful green color, and being KOSHER gives NACHAS to the One who grew the cuc to begin with. But if it got surrounded, smothered by UNKOSHER, meaning UNHOLY influences, it turns a resentful puke green color, smells and tastes sour, and will not give much Nachas back to the Farmer.
Lucky for me, the moshul ends there, for a REAL sour pickle can't change into a sweet one, let alone go back to being a cute cuc. But ME, hey, I'm a GYE PICKLE, which is a CHAMELEON PICKLE. I can get rid of those treif ingredients that tainted me. I can surround myself with KEDUSHA and TAHARA, and if I stay there long enough, their sweet flavors will take over, and either push out or cover up the sour ones. I'LL ALWAYS BE A PICKLE, BUT I CAN BECOME - AND REMAIN - A KOSHER ONE.
To do THAT, I need a MASHGIACH, and for me that means GYE and the 12 STEPS and a SPONSOR and PROGRAM BUDDIES. Because i know that they are sheluchim of the CERTIFYING AUTHORITY, Hashem Yisborach Himself. And if I want to have HIS hekhsher, I have to use His approved ingredients. I can't even keep anything trief nearby, not only so i wont be tempted, or even accidently use them. I must remember that the Baal HaHekhsherim also won't like me to appear suspicious in anyone's eyes, or He might pull the Hekhsher, because Maaris Ayin influences others to do the wrong thing.
So if I"M tempted to look "secretly" at a woman i pass by, even if I think no one notices, its VERY POSSIBLE that SOMEONE down here DOES see it, a goy who will think poorly of Jews (oh, they're just as much animals as everyone else!) or a secular yid who will think poorly of frumkeit (oh, the Torah doesn't make them any more holy than me!) or even another frum man, or my own sons who will weaken their resolve to avoid zenus (oh, HE does it, why can't I!).
So even tho (I hope) we ALL love PICKLES, too, it's important to realize that being a pickle comes with responsibilty. But the knowlege that I'm walkin around, under the HEKHSHER of Hashem himself, well,
THAT is an approval I feel PROUD to NEED.