Thanx Steve C. and all of youz guys for your support.
I don't have a lot of time 2day, just stopped by to update my chart & say hello. (postscipt: I guess i had more tike than i thought...)
Don't anyone worry, i'm around & still going strong, BH. Just have been trying to spend more time at work than on the forum. No offense, eh? (and I'm NOT from Canada...)
Just wanna share a thought I learned recently.
The Rebbeinu Yona on Daf 4b in Berachos gives 2 reasons for the Gemmorrah's statement that one who is somech geulah l'tefillah is a Ben Olam Haba. His second reason is that by recognizing that the geulas mitzrayim came BECAUSE the yidden then were botayach b'Hashem, and therefore Hashem redeemed them, so we too mention the Geulah before we daven to attach ourselves to this middah of being botayach B'Hashem like they were, and now we can ask Hashem for our needs cuz we truly believe He can provide them, just like we believe he redeemed our ancestors. A person on that madreiga, who davens with such a kavannah of being botayach B'Hashem, that person is a ben olam habah. Ayin Sham.
What this means to me, if humble little me could be mosif to the great Rabbeinu Yona, is that the yidden then really didn't have enough zechussim to get redeemed in such a miraculous way. We were not climbing out of the 49th level of tumah until after we left, cuz it took 50 baby steps to get back to the taharah to receive the Torah. So at the time of the miracles and plagues we were far from worthy. So how come Hashem took us out in such miraculous ways? Rabbeinu Yona tells us, cuz WE WERE BOTAYACH B'HASHEM, because we trusted an relied on HIM 100%, THEREFORE (cause and effect, people!) He took us out of mitzrayim. That's all we had going for us, really.
When is the first time it says that Hashem heard our cries in Mitzrayim? It was right after a "melech chodosh" began his rule, and the people "cried out to Hashem from the bondage." i once heard a pshat that as long as the old Paroah ruled, the one who made them into slaves, the jews sent delegations trying for a political solution to get him to rescind his earlier decree of slavery. But his successor turned the delegations away, saying "What's this lie that you are free men? You've been slaves since i was born. Get outa here..." Now there was no other solution but Hashem - there were no delegations to put one's trust and hope in. So when the people cried and prayed, it was with ALL their bitachon, cuz they recognized no other eitza.
And when Hashem's children cry out to him because they recognize He is the ONLY ONE who can save them, Hashem in his mercy RESPONDS to their cries and fullfills their requests for the better.
My good friend HB reminded me that the Tumah of Mitzrayim is just like the Tumah of today - all about znus. You know what that means?
ACHARIS K'REISHIS!!! The battle which we GYE soldiers (and WACs) are fighting is once again against TUMAS MITZRAYIM!! And Hashem saved us once from it, so OBVIOUSLY doing what they did will SAVE US AGAIN!!
(ouch! i really typed that too hard!! oooooooo...!)
So we must be botayach b'Hashem that HE can redeem us from this addiction, this misery, the depression, this shtus, this MITZRAYIM that each of us is living in. HE IS OUR ONLY SOLUTION!! Not just to end this galus, but our OWN PERSONAL GALUS from HIM, from being Dabuk B'Hashem, from living daily with a close, personal relaytionship with no less than The Master of the Universe.
We will each choose our hishtadlus, 90 day chart, 12-steps, RR, whatever, but In think we must FOCUS on BITACHON, improve our belief that Hashem will save us BECAUSE we trust in him, even though we are far from worthy.
And if we can do that, then He WILL save each of us, redeem us from our personal affliction, and guide us again out of Tumah and into a Taharah like no other, to be able to be mekabel His Torah and to be His Avodim in a manner far beyound what we have ever dreamed possible.
May it be Hashem's will that we all become closer to Him thru emunah and bitachon, and that show us His love and make us succeesful in ridding ourselves from being enslaved by our Yetzer Haros, and allow us, as imperfect as we are, to be His loving Avodim.
And ONLY His.