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Become Holy's Journey
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Scientific studies show that it takes 90 days to break an addictive pattern in the mind. Start your own Log of your journey to 90 days! Post here to update us on your status and to give each other chizuk to stay strong!

TOPIC: Become Holy's Journey 16573 Views

Re: Become Holy's Journey 24 Dec 2009 09:17 #37605

  • Kollel Guy
Yeah, that's sort of what I was trying to say too.
Thanks HL
Last Edit: by chmod744username.

Re: Become Holy's Journey 24 Dec 2009 23:08 #37852

  • BecomeHoly
  • Current streak: 28 days
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So last night I failed a test. I was tired enough to sleep at a normal hour, but instead I watched a movie and went to sleep late.

then this morning, I woke up after 6 hour of sleep... relatively refreshed (better than other days) but I was still a bit tired. I decided I'm gonna miss zman tefila and try to get more sleep. Well I spent 4 more hours trying to do so. Now I'm even more tired, and I didn't really properly fall asleep during that time anyway. test 2 failed.

When god gives me an out... I should really take it :-/
Last Edit: by eternity.

Re: Become Holy's Journey 24 Dec 2009 23:10 #37854

  • imtrying25
  • Current streak: 16 days
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B AND H. Its ok we all slip and make mistake sometimes. No need to beat yourself up over it. Its part of the game called life.
Last Edit: by bestfut.

Re: Become Holy's Journey 24 Dec 2009 23:17 #37857

  • BecomeHoly
  • Current streak: 28 days
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Indeed... I was just reflecting on the fact that God put out his hand and I ignored taking it. TWICE! Just a reminder to myself that when I ask GOD - I let go, where were you.... God was there... I just wasn't paying attention. God is always good to me. I just need to look a little harder sometimes.

So I'm going to take this opportunity God. You've been good for me. If I was judging myself I'd be quite harsher than God is to me. GOD is literally handing me an opportunity to improve on a silver platter. With nearly zero consequences! I'd be a fool to let it go.

So I'm going to go do some chesed. Then Daven, then I'm gonna go GET SOME WORK DONE!

Thanks you God!
Last Edit: by lebo.

Re: Become Holy's Journey 24 Dec 2009 23:18 #37859

  • imtrying25
  • Current streak: 16 days
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Wow what a reaction B & H. If this is what comes out of it, then youv definitly passed the test.
Last Edit: by younes.

Re: Become Holy's Journey 25 Dec 2009 22:02 #38103

  • BecomeHoly
  • Current streak: 28 days
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Still struggling. B"H shabbos will be better :-)
Last Edit: by .

Re: Become Holy's Journey 26 Dec 2009 16:04 #38106

  • imtrying25
  • Current streak: 16 days
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A Good Voch. B and H. Hpe your Shabbos was good. hatzlacha.
Last Edit: by jacky12345.

Re: Become Holy's Journey 27 Dec 2009 08:25 #38237

  • Momo
  • Current streak: 6 days
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Last Edit: by germaine.

Re: Become Holy's Journey 27 Dec 2009 09:13 #38298

  • ano nymous
  • Current streak: 1 day
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Please READ and VOTE on this new poll I just created over here: rehab-my-site.com/guardureyes/forum/index.php?topic=1427.0
Last Edit: by hashem26pleasesaveme.

Re: Become Holy's Journey 28 Dec 2009 02:10 #38760

  • BecomeHoly
  • Current streak: 28 days
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MOMO! Thank you! :-)

I've been busy.. (not necessarily productive... just busy... I'll be posting some thoughts soon :-) )

Place holders:

A beautiful thing I read on shabbos.

Sex offenders in my community
shiur I went to.
Last Edit: by geshmak123.

Re: Become Holy's Journey 28 Dec 2009 04:09 #38782

  • sci1977
  • Current streak: 438 days
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Stay positive and keep up the good work!!!
Last Edit: by dalowy1.

Re: Become Holy's Journey 28 Dec 2009 07:51 #38837

  • habaletaher
  • Current streak: 23 days
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BUSY is better than not busy whether it's productive or not...

Keep up the busyness!
Last Edit: by nothing.

Re: Become Holy's Journey 28 Dec 2009 10:55 #38859

  • Kollel Guy
Go BH! Up with the business and down with the --- offenders!! :D
Last Edit: by blues101.

Re: Become Holy's Journey 29 Dec 2009 23:13 #39739

  • imtrying25
  • Current streak: 16 days
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Happy to see your keeping busy. In this strugggle its one of the most productive things to do. But i cant say i dont miss you. :-\
Last Edit: by merrycheetah28.

Re: Become Holy's Journey 30 Dec 2009 07:45 #39867

  • Kollel Guy
Yeah, I liked those daily updates...
Now I gotta rely on my imagination to know how your doing.
Last Edit: by MisnaJosid26.
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