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Become Holy's Journey
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Scientific studies show that it takes 90 days to break an addictive pattern in the mind. Start your own Log of your journey to 90 days! Post here to update us on your status and to give each other chizuk to stay strong!

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Re: Become Holy's Journey 12 Jan 2010 21:52 #44991

  • kollel guy
  • Current streak: 15 days
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Ok... so yesterday, I slept from 3pm - 12pm.
Unless there's a typo here, you are very unusually talented.
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Re: Become Holy's Journey 12 Jan 2010 22:18 #45007

  • BecomeHoly
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Oh indeed... it was 3pm till 11:59pm  = midnight...
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Re: Become Holy's Journey 12 Jan 2010 22:20 #45008

  • imtrying25
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BecomeHoly wrote on 12 Jan 2010 22:18:

Oh indeed... it was 3pm till 11:59pm  = midnight...
That may take even more talent!! :D :D Or else you set an alarm clock. :D :D
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Re: Become Holy's Journey 12 Jan 2010 22:46 #45045

  • BecomeHoly
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ok... well after  a total of 11 hours of sleep..... "last night"  maybe more like "last 24" I am still only awake because I'm doing stuff that requires very little mental power... and my pushing myself when I'm tired has given me a headache. yay?

steve & I'm trying... at least someone thinks I have talent :-)  (Ok... there are plenty of others...I don't actually have that self esteem issue, but I really really do appreciate you guys :-)
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Re: Become Holy's Journey 12 Jan 2010 23:10 #45077

  • imtrying25
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Dont get pumped by my words dude. My assesment of talent is like zero. i mean to me if you can throw a piece of paper into the garbage your the next babe ruth! :D
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Re: Become Holy's Journey 13 Jan 2010 13:48 #45249

  • BecomeHoly
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OK here it is: I didn't sleep ALL DAY yesterday, so I could sleep well at night. I took some kind of supplement last night to help too. and I went to sleep EARLY!  Before 11! I had 8.5 hours to sleep. Guess what time I got up. 4:30. 4:30! and thats after some pretty low quality sleep preceding it.

GOD I"m trying. I was a zombie ALL day yesterday. WHY do you ignore me in my time of need? THIS IS MY number ONE killer. I put in such effort. This is so upsetting.
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Re: Become Holy's Journey 13 Jan 2010 14:00 #45252

  • WeWillNotBeForsaken
Maybe you should go to a (medical) doctor?
There are many things that can hinder sleep.
May I ask what supplement you took to help you with sleep?
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Re: Become Holy's Journey 13 Jan 2010 14:30 #45265

  • BecomeHoly
  • Current streak: 28 days
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Read my previous post.... I've been to MANY doctors... none of them have helped. Supplement was inositol. No idea if it works... I tried it because my mom wanted me to...
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Re: Become Holy's Journey 13 Jan 2010 14:58 #45280

  • Steve
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Dude, do you snore? Maybe you have sleep apnea. I do. I sleep better when I'm taking care of it properly. Got a C-Pap machine.

Also, obviously worries get in the way. gotta clear your slate somehow before the head hits the pillow.
No one is so small that he can not give help, and no one is so big that he doesn't need it.

Kol HaOlam Kulo, Gesher Tzar Meod, V'HaIkkar: Lo L'Pacheid Klal.
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Re: Become Holy's Journey 13 Jan 2010 15:02 #45281

  • BecomeHoly
  • Current streak: 28 days
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nope... don't snore. I was so tired last night ( because I stayed up all day trying to fix my schedule..) that I fell asleep as soon as I hit the pillow. I expected to be out cold for 8 hours.... Woke up at 4:30. No Idea why.

Here is a graph of my sleep. I tossed an turned until a little after 5 when I got up.  Ignore everything after that  because I just didn't turn off the thing when I got up (if you turn it off too early it doesn't give u a graph...)

Oh.. and I used this program: www.lexwarelabs.com/sleepcycle/
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Last Edit: 13 Jan 2010 17:17 by .

Re: Become Holy's Journey 14 Jan 2010 05:09 #45565

  • BecomeHoly
  • Current streak: 28 days
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Mishpacha Family First issue 91:

Rebetzin kaminetzky said that her father told her that "There is no such thing as mesirus nefesh. If you love what you are doing, you will not feel that you are sacrificing anything. Mesirus nefesh is more a matter of consecrating yourself entirely to pursuing a goal.

Boy... I hope I can achieve that.

and another thing Rebetzin Henny Walkin: "I learned that the real meaning of comptromise is not giving up your need for another's, but making his need your own, and then it is no longer a compromise."

If thats the way we approach marriage... we're in for a sweet ride :-)
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Re: Become Holy's Journey 14 Jan 2010 05:11 #45566

  • Ineedhelp!!
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BecomeHoly wrote on 13 Jan 2010 15:02:

nope... don't snore. I was so tired last night ( because I stayed up all day trying to fix my schedule..) that I fell asleep as soon as I hit the pillow. I expected to be out cold for 8 hours.... Woke up at 4:30. No Idea why.

Here is a graph of my sleep. I tossed an turned until a little after 5 when I got up.  Ignore everything after that  because I just didn't turn off the thing when I got up (if you turn it off too early it doesn't give u a graph...)

Oh.. and I used this program: www.lexwarelabs.com/sleepcycle/

I have NO idea how to read that graph. Does it show improvement or what?
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Re: Become Holy's Journey 14 Jan 2010 06:26 #45580

  • BecomeHoly
  • Current streak: 28 days
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I went into deep sleep... then deeper sleep... then the big huge mountain... where I woke up. Tossed. Turned.... then got out of bed.... mountain dips into valley......  then I tried to sleep another hour... tossed and turned.... the end.
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Re: Become Holy's Journey 14 Jan 2010 08:00 #45588

  • kollel guy
  • Current streak: 15 days
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I don't know man. If you say you've been to many doctors and none of them helped, maybe go to R'Y.M Shechter, or ask R' Chayim K. or something... This can't continue.
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Re: Become Holy's Journey 14 Jan 2010 14:13 #45641

  • BecomeHoly
  • Current streak: 28 days
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Truth is , they sz"l causes a host of medical issues. I've decided that I have to first stop that. When I hit 90 days, if things still aren't good, I'll start trying to figure it out.... meanwhile I'm just gonna have to power through.

But I gotta say, the past 2 days were amazing... I got so much done! I didn't sleep at all during the day, went to sleep early (although up too early, today as well woke up 4:30).

In any case.. things are looking up. I haven't even watched a movie or anythign! :-) Not even a show. B"H I will continue this momentum and achieve a lot :-)
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