So, I fell again today. I had some time to kill before my Sunday morning chavrusa and I was thinking about how much I missed this young woman I once went out with and ended up causing shichvat zera livatala.
My first thought to myself was, “do not let the fall get you down”. But the emotions of frustration with myself came to the forefront. The thoughts flooded in: Will I ever have complete control on this? Am I lying to myself that I think I can reach total abstinence from masturbation with self-control and basic GYE tools (forum, chat, filter and strong gaderim) alone? Am I really an “addict” in the Dov way of defining it? Will I have to go as far as to be part a twelve-step program to finally kick this habit? Those questions and more besieged my mind .
At moment, I knew I could not avoid those feelings and had to give them a chance to blow over. Though I pushed myself to do four important things.
1. Admit to myself that I fell by resetting my 90-day count. I did not have the strength to post about my fall right then, but by resetting my count I knew I force myself to post about it at some point
2. I PM’d a GYE buddy that I have been corresponding with on a daily basis to tell him I fell.
3. Donated some money to GGYE based on a commitment I made, so I would not forget about it.
4. Planted the reframe in my head this is not a failure, but still a marking point of how far I have come. I only masturbated twice in five weeks which is really much better than where I was a few months ago!
This last point was soon overtaken by the despair of having fallen once again and with a shorter streak then my last time. But the reframe was importantly planted there.
I went to my scheduled chavrusa and the day went on. I “caved out” a little on my setback, but soon was able to shift my focus to the positive. Besides the above point about only two times in five weeks being a sign of great success, I know that this time around things were substantively better. The urges this time were easier to beat. The withdrawal was less intense. I felt less of a “need” to masturbate whenever I felt a little triggered. I more consistently reached out more to GYE chevra in tougher times. There is real progress to celebrate!
As I write this post my attitude as has completely changed. I now this fall is nothing but a blimp on a great journey to being completely clean and with G-d help and the tools on GYE I will make it. I want to stress I do not think this reframe is my lying to myself and trying to put a positive light on a dreadful situation. I know this to be true. I am fighting the good fight and winning. I am have reached new heights and gained new skills and will continue to do better.
With that in mind, the question I of course need to ask myself is what can I do better to avoid this in the future?
In the past, I have spoken with a therapist regarding my lingering emotions regarding this young woman with mixed results. I think I am going to give it another shot and see if this underlining issue can be tackled. I think I will try a different therapist and see if a different approach will be more helpful.
After my last fall, I made my first phone call to a GYE member and found it helpful and felt like I would try to make more consistent. Somehow, I kept finding excuses not to make those calls. Either, “there were too many people around and would be awkward if they overheard the topic of conversation”, or “I bet he is asleep or busy right now better not to call”. This time around I will try to make more of an effort call on a consistent basis and not give in to my excuse making.
I will continue to think of additional things, but the above is start.
Ending this post knowing I am still on the upwards journey to being a healthier stronger yid and hoping that it still gets better from here!