A new warrior has joined the Almighty's Front-Line Army!
Dear Jew,
Just last week, "Ano-nymous" and "Be-Holy" hit 90 days of sobriety on this board in the forum. You can do it too.
There are two secrets to breaking free. Never forget them. Write them into your heart.
1) Never accept it. Always keep trying. Never give up. Believe that with enough work and the right tools, you can break free.
2) Never let a fall get you down. That is the trick of the yetzer hara and just leads to further falls.
In a sense, it seems that these two principles conflict with each other. Because if you never accept it and believe you can stop - so how do you not get down when falling? But we have to reconcile ourselves to this seeming conflict if we want to make progress. Every little bit we do in this struggle is reason to rejoice!
Shmiras Habris is known in the Zohar as "Yesod". It is the foundation, the part that is underground, that no one sees. It is the real YOU. And if the foundation is weak, indeed the whole building is weak. That is why it is so important that you get control on this before the cracks in the foundation cause the building itself to start to crumble.
The bottom line is, it is essentially a sexual addiction, and as such, it needs to be dealt with in the right way. There are tried and proven methods for dealing with this addiction. The home-page of our website has a whole list of the tools on our network. Grab a hold of them and don't let go. Here are my initial suggestions.
1) A strong filter is a must. Having it all within hands reach will make it almost impossible to start healing. See our filter section for all the options and info.
2) Join the daily Chizuk e-mail list, if you haven't yet. You will learn approaches and tips every day!
3) Join Elya's FREE weekly phone groups on Sunday 3/4 PM. (Ask me for the number and PIN). It's fully anonymous, no one knows you are even listening in. It is run through a phone-conference company. You need group support, you need to hear others who are going through the same thing, even worse off than you - and yet making wonderful progress.
4) Read the stories of recovery on our site. You are not alone. People much worse off than you have done great feats of Teshuvah.
5) See a sex-addiction therapist. There are religious ones, but it doesn't have to be. See this page for a list. If you can't afford it, join the Tuesday night conference call for only $10 a session, with a frum sex-addiction therapist on the line. A sex-addiction therapist can help you work out the underlying issues that keep bringing you back to this.
We are here for you dear Jew. Grab on to this website and forum, and don't let go. It's your ETERNITY we are talking about here. Write on the forum when you feel weak, you will get a lot of answers and chizuk!