Hey Rage, I just popped on your thread first time in a while, and I see you're traveling; and thank G-d that
this time you're not in Rochester Falls! :D
I checked out the hebrew forum and guess what's there? A thread for the wall of honor...rav shraga moderating the 90 days...that's rich...well I registered for an account because I wasn't sure if I can use my American passport there
Yeh, Reb Shlachter helped me set that up (I can't write Hebrew - he helped me translate it). He totally agrees that the 90 days is a very powerful tool, after all, if you check his own website at
www.hugme.co.il, at the top you'll see on the Home-Page: "Heichal Ha'tehilah", which is the same idea as the "Wall of Honor" that we are doing... After all, the best thing to get an addict started, he claims, is to get him to transpose his "control" from the addiction into "recovery". The 90 day journey gives the addict a feeling of control -
in a GOOD way. But ultimately, as the active addiction fades into the background over the 90 day "break", the addict can learn to connect with life more and more... and stop resorting to a fantasy world of escape...
Rage you are ROCKIN the house!! Keep strong, we are thinking of you...