yearning4pure wrote on 04 Dec 2009 04:58:
Hey Ano ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D . We didnt celebrate the 6 months since you led me to the forum!!!! Everyone on hear has to know that Ano was presented with one of the biggest tests of his life and not only did he refuse to give in, he turned the opportunity into the biggest kiddush hashem!! thanks again ;D ;D
Welcome Yearning, and way to go Ano! I'm certain that Ano was only presented with the test because Hashem knew that at that particular point he had the power to overcome it. I'm glad he did, and I'm glad you're here! I read the posts in your thread and I'm glowing with joy in that you're part of this. While you're here at GYE, you're going to see tremendous miracles of transformation! We're all in this together, and as long as you stay close, we'll hold onto you. Yearning, are you on Duvid Chaim's calls, following the 12-Steps? Duvid Chaim's the best guy in the west, and the benefit of joining the calls is tremendous! Call him up (if you haven't joined already), and after a short introduction, he'll happily get you started in the program. Wait till you see the new "you"! Wow, you're gonna like this! (I don't want to share Duvid Chaim's cellphone number here on the public forum, but if you send Guard an email, I'm sure he'll pass the number along.)
Hey Yearning, why don't you start building that post count of yours? You've got to catch up...