1. posting daily updates on my experiences and feelings, as I keep trucking along
This is great but most of the posts and experiences that you posted about focused on details that are related to the first sort of stuff I discussed. Not all but most.
2. updating the 90-day chart daily
This doesn't deal with any underlying issues at all. Most people start updating less and less as they get more and more into recovery.
3. reading the 20 steps gye book, which I got printed out
How much of the twenty steps were implemented? Reading is nice and a great thing bit recovery comes from implementing, not only reading.
4. reading the 30 attitudes book, which I got printed out
Same as above. How many attidtudes have you implemented into your daily life. That's the barometer you should be focusing on.
5. emailing several people from the forums
Friendships and reaching out are great ways to learn from others how to recover and to express yourself when you have things you need to get off your chest. The only question is are the conversations about stopping acting out or about living life properly?
6. emailing a support buddy/coach/sponsor ( even trying a few different ones, to find the right one)
same as #5
7. talking at length on the phone 3 times to Dov (well over 4 hours total)
Similar as above but with a k'neitch, There is a great benefit in joining gye, learnig the ropes and understanding what it is all about. the question where the focus moves once we get comfortable in GYE. It took me time also to start to understand what to focus on. (Have you read my thread yet?)
8. talking with Cord, and deciding to meet someone who he thought to set me up with.
same as #7
9. meeting him, a "success story" from gye...and talking at length with him in person (for several hours)
Probably the best thing you have ever done in your entire life.
10. removing all streaming capability from my computer "Cold Turkey"
Good prevention- doesn't deal at all with the main issues
11. putting on time limits when I can access my computer
same as #10
12. talking and opening up to a Rov about my problem and the possibility of giving my son 1/2 a password
talking to a ruv is great but I believe the focus once again was stopping and not dealing with the underlying issues.
13. giving my son the second 1/2 of my password, so that I cannot change the time or content settings
No comment
14. listening to the 12-part series of shiurim by Rav Ben Zion Shafier on tyvah called The Fight
focusing on fighting (פשוטו כמשמעו) and not underlying issues
15. emailing him and receiving his notes on the lectures, and then transcribing the shiurim
same as #14
16. listening to the 17-part series of shiurim by Rav Simcha Feuerman on The Chasan Shmooze
can't comment because I don't know what he says
17. taking notes on them, so it sinks in better and in order to eventually email him some questions
same as #16
18. emailing Yaakov for help, and deciding to try his suggestion of the taphsicshevua
definitely focusing on stopping and not underlying issues
19. figuring out all the components of the shevua, to give it the best chance of working
same as #18
20. davening daily to HaShem for help to succeed and break free (this should have been 1st)
maybe Hashem answered your tefilos by getting me to crazily spend so much time on this
21. listening to Rav Fishel Shechter shiurim on Yosef HaTzadik and Chanuka and the parsha
not sure what this has to do with recovery. Learning is always a good thing though
22. transcribing some of the main points/insights and stories
same as #21
23. exercise-walking regularly (&maybe running) to relieve stress and tension and get in shape
This is a very good way of dealing with the underlying issues. Perfect
24. strengthening my night seder of learning with my son
It seemed to me at the time that your focus in doing so was to prevent yourself from acting out,. So it is probably another preventitive thing, but it definitely is a good habit that can help you to deal wtih the underlying issues.
25. posting on several new guy's forum threads, trying to welcome them and help them
Great way of making yourself at home on GYE to be able to learn how to work on recovery. But not quite dealing with underlying issues.
26. making a few "date nights" with my wife, giving her more positive attention
Very Very Good. (By the way you haven't mentioned anything about doing it again recently. This is one of the things you should stick to through thick and thin. I also try but get too busy)
27. going to a big Rav and having the chutzpah to ask how to succeed long-term and become a tzadik
Are you doing what he recommended?
28. instituting or reinstituting quality "family time" when I come home for dinner
Very Good. But there were comments you wrote about how you were getting frustrated from aspects of this, How have you been doing in working on your patience and saccepting the fact that not everything goes the way you want? That would really be a great oppurtunity to work on underlying issues.
29. opening up to a friend in real life, in person on a long walk
And what came out of the conversation?
30. taking the SA are you addicted test / and a more involved 50 question test too
Nu Nu. You didn't seem to really connect to the results (but I might not be remembering properly)
31. taking the actual shevua (hasn't happened yet, because I'm still deciding on the nusach)
What didn't happen, didn't happen. Definitely doesn't help recovery or even prevention if nothing was done.
32. going to the mikveh (hasn't happened yet, because I really dislike going, but I will once)
same as #31
33. listening to music and trying to relax and "breathe" and calm down
Great to learn how to deal with stress, This is definitley a tool for real recovery
34. reading a long article and watching a couple of videos on breaking bad habits,
Have you implemented those things that you saw?
and probably a few more things that I left out and can't think of now.
Thank G-d because this was enough to comment on as is.
First of all mazel Tov on your 300th post. keep them coming, (Pretty appropriate post for such a round number)
I can't figure out how to put this intro before the quote so I am putting it here.
I was pretty blunt and brutal in my response to your list. I don't want you to get frustrated or disappointed while reading them, However I am sure that you know that I really am writing it for your benefit so please keep that in mind while you read.
All in all you definitely have been making great progress, and are very dedicated. keep focusing on the right things and Hashem should help you learn to live life properly.
Understanding what was making you go to the computer to watch streaming. What was making you want to test the filters,
We once discussed several issues that were bothering you at this stage of life. Have you done things to deal with them and resolve them? Either through wholesome acceptance or through actual actions?