Baruch Hashem!! He has guided me through another day closer to perfection. Though I know it is a constant travel, it is the greatest pursuit one can strive to attain. Finally committing myself to truly love Hashem with heart, soul and resources, has shown to me that He does help those who seek after Him. It is odd that I once felt I was on such a path, which was filled with failure, causing me to condemn myself as a wicked person. Yet, now, I see Hashem knows the heart, He knows if one indeed seeks after Him. And I realize that there is a middle path. I must strive to reach His holiness, yet I must realize that I cannot attain it by myself. He is my help in time of trouble (which we all can use in this struggle). So I must work with all of my power to become perfect, yet know it is only by Hashem's spirit within me that I can achieve it.
Push toward the prize of eternal bliss in the world to come, where we no longer have to choose between submission to the yetzer hatov and yetzer hara, for we will become the perfectly complete as evil/sin/wickedness/wrong are removed.
I also thought I would share this excerpt from an email I get. Though it specifically speaks to the Jew, I believe all humankind can relate:
"The religious life is not a matter of suddenly arriving, but of constantly journeying.
The journeys of the Israelites from Egypt serve as a warning against the two kinds of error into which a Jew can fall.
One is to believe that one has arrived. He may think: Having reached so far in my Judaism, I can rest content. But the truth is that the Jew was not created to stand still. There is always a new journey before him.
The other is to despair. He may feel: I know so little, I am capable of so little, that my religious efforts are in vain. But in truth, even a single journey is a liberation from some personal Egypt. (And the direction in which one is traveling matters more than how far one is along the way.)"