Day five and I feel great!
Thank you so much. I love hearing every ounce of encouraging words. Regarding your advice for accountability, something really amazing happened last night. But before I tell you what happened, I need to give you and everyone reading this a bit of interesting history. Like my title puts it, I have been battling this problem for 15+ years, since the age of 16. I have had this problem since 10. I got married at age 21, and therefore have been marred for 10 years now. Now three years into our marriage, my wife caught me. It was a challenging time in our marriage. I do not need to go into the details of how she caught as it is not necessary. What am I to say? So I admitted that as a youth I had this problem, but that I overcame it, and this is very short lived recent relapse (that was obviously not true. My addiction followed me through every aspect of my life ). I explained to her that it was not about her but about me and a problem that I have. Now this was before that the concept of porn addiction was a known issue and it was very difficult for her to understand this. We went to a therapist who helped her understand and helped us through this time. B"H, our marriage was saved. What we did not do with the therapist was help ME. So after that whole event she made me promise to never do that again and said that if I ever get an urge I should talk to her about it. Well I did. The truth is that I was so shaken by the event that for six weeks I had absolutely no urges. Until one terrible sunday morning, she was out of the house and it started all over again. I was too ashamed to go back to her and admit that it was back (I should have), and the problem continued to grow again. Every once in a while she became suspicious (and rightfully so) and actually confronted me with it but each time I brushed it away. The good thing about all that was that now I felt comfortable speaking about this isue with her. However, when I would explain my 'past', I was really explaining my 'present'. This was a therapeutic way for me to discuss my emotions. What I was describing as my emotions from 15 years ago was actually my emotions from last night. The other good thing was that she was able to help encourage me on some of my fences. Like, no going to any mall. It is known that in these places there is lots of pritzus. And we agreed together that I do not belong there. This made it very easy for me.
Now for last night. In a crazy event of siyata d'shmaya, my filter broke down yesterday and instead of giving me free access to the internet, I was completely blocked. It was very frustrating because I had lots of work to do. I used my wife's computer to do some stuff (like post here) but without my computer I was crippled. So my wife said that maybe we need a new filter. So I told her the problem with the other filters is that you can turn them off with a password, and the one that I have it is impossible to access porn sites. I then continued, but maybe YOU want to take the password and not tell me. She found that funny, but I said this could be very serious. I then went on to tell her about the concept of accountability and asked her if she can me my official partner. Realizing the potential danger for me with a computer she figured why not. Now, I think that this help me doubly. Knowing that my own wife can be looking over me, and the one that can assist me into total recovery is special indeed. Now had she not know about this problem that I have, she would probably be a bit wierded out about this. But because she knows that I fell once, she now understands the potential problem
Now, I just have to get the proper software. I will look into the various options that you mentioned and others and figure what will work best for me.